[!Yandere!] Longan dragon cookie X (wheelchair bound) reader

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(A modern Au where dragon cookies don't exist but Longan still has dragon features (like claws), I don't know why I did this)
(This is my idea. I thought the idea of a rich yandere Longan dragon would be fun.)
(Y/N is gender-neutral in this story)
(Fic is written in the second person pov)

As long as you could remember you were a paraplegic. Living most of your days in a wheelchair was just another, unfortunate, fact of life.
Your parents weren't exactly well off, they weren't poor but taking care of you seemed to be taking a toll on their wallets. (Though they usually vehemently denied it being your fault when confronted about it.)
Regardless they managed to save up enough money to afford to enroll you into the prestigious Vanilla Academy, where only the highest and richest cookies went, with the hopes that it may net you a great job in the future. A way to secure your future.

That's where you met them..
They were everything you weren't; rich, popular, strong and mobile.
Longan cookie was their name, it was hard to miss considering everyone talked highly of them. Practically everyone at the school aspired to be them.
It was a stark contrast from how Longan cookie actually acted. They spent most of their time alone and hardly ever spoke to the other cookies no matter how much they were poked and prodded with silly gifts.

It had become a contest in the school to see who could befriend Longan Cookie first.
Lest to say, nobody's won yet.

A couple weeks into your enrollment into the Vanilla Academy you were moved into a new classroom, and as luck would have it, Longan cookie was in your class as well.
You often could catch Longan cookie staring at you from across the room, with those enchanting yellow eyes.
It wasn't a disgusted glare that you'd sometimes get from the other cookies in the academy or even a sympathetic glance that the adults would give you. Rather it was a curious unreadable look, as though they were peering into your soul or trying to decide if you were truly worthy of being in their presence.
Still you found it rather strange, thankfully nobody else seemed to notice their staring.

One sunny morning though, the unthinkable happened.

"Well, that is the end of our lesson." A bespectacled cookie named Coconut sighed. "We will pick up on our next lesson tomorrow."
Most of the cookies hurried out of the room to their next class, some stayed, chatting amongst each other.
You were busy hauling your books back into a bag nestled on the left side of your wheelchair. During your endeavor you heard someone approach, stopping directly to the left side of your seat. Glancing upwards revealed them to be none other than Longan cookie.

"Hello.." They whispered, their voice sounded as silky as their long white hair looked. "I don't believe we have met..I am Longan Cookie, who are you?"
You were flabbergasted, taking a moment to formulate your thoughts as you looked at their clothes. A soft white and gold suit, that looked like it must've cost more than your wheelchair, was complemented by silky black pants and licorice boots.
"Uhm-..I am Y/N cookie..nice to meet you.." You managed to choke out, their bright golden eyes never once leaving your body, making the whole conversation more tense. (After all, why did they want to talk with you!)

"What a pretty name. Would you like to be friends?" They held their clawed hand out, a hand that was covered with a soft black glove.
The whole class gasped, looking straight at you two. A particular cookie who was named Cantaloupe stared daggers at you, dull orange eyes harboring murderous intentions.
Regardless you glanced back at Longan and without hesitation (or thought), took their hand and nodded. Ending the contest.

The school day had ended and you were rolling your wheelchair back in the direction of home. As soon as you got to a rather secluded part of the school, that was filled with uncut grass and fruit trees, you saw none other than Cantaloupe cookie. She was staring daggers at you and slowly stomped closer.

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