[! Yandere !] : [King] Shadow milk cookie X [Royal] Reader

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[I lied]

[Dw the White lily cookie chapter will come out eventually]

[Along with a PV chapter and maybe a siren shadow milk cookie chapter bc why not]

[God I'm so tired like dying rn]

[Reader uses They / Them]

[! TW: Gore / torture/ implied heavy nsfw!]

In the remote land of Crispia.

There lived tons of kingdoms, each one bestowed to a royal flavor family.

The Vanilla kingdom was a notorious kingdom, for all the wrong reasons.

Originally belonging to the Vanilla royal family.
They were soon killed and the throne was usurped by their fool; a jester named, Shadow milk cookie.

He terrorized the kingdom, getting rid of any potential rivals and turning the entire kingdom into his own personal playground.

A place of pure chaos and suffering.

A lot of old residents ran away from the kingdom, those who were lucky, made it away. Those who weren't were captured by Shadow milk cookie's clowns.

He was a very cruel captor.
Deriving divine pleasure from torturing cookies until they were nothing but bloody pulps.

It was almost a complete contrast to your kingdom.
You were a part of the lavender kingdom.

Always bathed in light, your kingdom was often compared to a utopia.

Those who fled from Shadow milk cookie's reign sought refuge in your kingdom.

A place where everyone was healthy and happy, you strived to keep it that way.

While it would've been an impossible task for a normal cookie, you were blessed by the sugar swan. Giving you the ability to heal most everything (inanimate objects included) and even grow plants on a whim.

Nobody dared to even try to usurp your throne, not only because most everyone liked you but they were also scared that the sugar swan might become wrathful by your passing.

It didn't take long for word of your kingdom to reach Shadow milk cookies ears.

At first, he found your kingdom mildly amusing to think about.

A kingdom with no strife and constant shining, it sounded like a story for young cookies.

Nonetheless your kingdom was still a rival kingdom, so he sent a spy to learn the truth of your kingdom.

He had to send some of his most trusted servants to get his spy back.

The spy fought to the bitter end, defying his own king for a kingdom they had only spent a month in.

Though thankfully he still managed to get some pictures before he tortured the spy.

Now this got Shadow milk rather, interested in you.

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