🎭 [! Yandere !] Shadow Milk cookie X Reader 🎭

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[So called free thinkers when evil blue jester cookie:]

[Honestly seeing everyone go ape shit over this guy is normal like, he deserves the clout.]

[We need more funny fella villains.]

[Though unfortunately this just continues making Dark Enchantress cookie more irrelevant in my eyes.]

[She's such a downgrade from White Lily cookie.]

[Miss ugly girl failure.]

[Anyways, can't wait for the rest of the beasts to come out so I can anxiously try and figure out how to..how do the kids say it..rizz up a literal armor demon.]

[I can't wait for the week or so it'll take for the next part of the story to come out. So I made a chapter on a guy that gets literally five lines of dialogue.]

[Dw I'll give him another chapter when he gets more characterization.]

[Reader uses they / them]

[! Foul language / Gore implications !]

You tended to reminisce a lot.
Retreat deep into your memories in order to escape from any troublesome situation or awful experience.

You remember the five great heroes, who brought life and peace to the cookie world.
It was nothing short of a utopian society.

Knowledge, Volition, Happiness, Change and Solidarity.

They were the five virtues that kept the world in its perfect state.

You often went to visit the virtue of knowledge, Shadow Milk cookie.
While you had to admit the name, Shadow Milk cookie, wasn't exactly a 'heroic' name in your opinion, he was still a very heroic cookie.

He was an utterly fun cookie to be around. Very fun and personable and he wasn't a stickler about 'jobs' and 'duties'.
When you wanted to shirk your responsibilities, you'd often run off to go find him.

"Heeey! Y/N cookie. Ignoring your job again?"

"Hehe..you know me too well.."

"Well I don't mind~! I like having you here! Come! Come! I have something to show you!"

He loved showmanship. Even having a miniature stage where he'd have puppets play and dance with magic.
It was bewitching to watch.

"Taaa daaa! Whatcha think? Fun, huh!"

"Y-Yeah..It's so amazing that you're able to do that!"

"Absolutely! I can put on another show for you!"

"I..sure..I just.."

"You just what?"

"I just wish I was so cool and special..like you, Shadow Milk cookie.."

"Eh?! What makes you say that? You are really special.."

"You..you know what I mean..Nobody would miss me if I was gone. If you disappeared it would ruin everything.."

"I'd miss you if you disappeared, Y/N.."

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