[Request] [!Yan!] Croissant cookie X reader

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[Not me having to rewatch the TBD arc to figure out how to write this..]
[Thanks to Live Laugh Sleep (but worded like an average hard to type username) for the wonderful request! Gave me a lot of useful information!]
[I decided to make the reader shy-ish in this story! I hope that'll be fine.]
[Reader will use They/Them]
[Second person Pov]
[TW: Gore/Jam]

The TBD. A company that you didn't even know existed until about a year ago. You remember finding a rather interesting newspaper in your mailbox. It seemed normal at first, until you got to the job listing section of the paper. There was a rather odd job listing for a company called the TBD, everything in the job description seemed tailor made to suit you. A fabulous job delivering objects around the building, very minimal social interaction, everything your socially anxious self could possibly want. So why wouldn't you go to the listed address and apply for such a job?

You learned rather quickly that the advertisement was made by the TBD, specifically for you. Because the TBD worked with time lines and time anomalies.
You remembered being rather flabbergasted when Dark Fondue cookie told you all the specifics, how you didn't have to apply because they had already looked through all your timelines and decided you were the right cookie for the job.
She wasn't exactly wrong.
You loved the job, it was quiet, slow and you didn't have to interact with many people. Just take items and objects to different departments. Time registry division was running low on ink? You were there with a large box of ink!
Technology development division needed gears and spare parts? You'd be there with an, admittedly heavy, box of parts!
Relic management division needed...whatever Maple Taffy cookie had found in a time rift (seriously all of his boxes were full of random weird junk..)? You'd be there.
It was an amazing job. One you cherished.

About six months into your job, you noticed yourself growing..feelings, for a certain cookie. Her name was Croissant cookie, she worked in the Technology development division and you met her pretty early into your job.
She was super nice and sweet. She made conversations fun (even for you, who usually hated interactions of any kind), you could talk with her for long periods of time and she could notice when you were done with a conversation.
It started out as harmless adoration on your side but slowly evolved into a sort of romantic tension from within. Any time you talked with her you got the warm fuzzies and any time you thought about Croissant cookie and her beauty you couldn't help but blush a little bit.
But..you couldn't tell her you were growing attached to her, it'd be way too embarrassing! I mean, who actually confesses their feelings to a crush? Not you!-

You felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Excuse me Y/N." It was String Gummy cookie.
String Gummy cookie was certainly...something.
You remembered meeting him about a week into your job, when he went on a rampage, destroying all the time manipulators. You were just walking through one of the hallways, ready to pick up a new package for delivery, when String Gummy cookie rushed down the hallway, gummy rifle in hand. Thinking back on it, he wasn't even going for you, considering you had no Time manipulator on you, but at the moment all you saw was a cookie rushing you with a gun. So you took off, trying to lose him as you didn't want to get tied up by the string gummy in his rifle (you weren't into that). At the end of the day, you went home with soiled pants after the scare.
He still sorta scared you as he continued to carry around the rifle, even when he wasn't on job.
"Y-yeah?" You stammered out, setting down the empty box you were carrying.
"I didn't mean to scare you. It's just Maple Taffy Cookie wanted you to have this."
Maple Taffy cookie was a fun fellow. Looking past his eccentric personality, he was fun to talk with as he could talk for HOURS without you needing to say anything.
A prominent memory was when you got distracted on job debating with him about which was better; Dragons or Wyverns. Halfway through the debate, the two of you got caught by Baguette Cookie.
Despite saying she was at a loss for words, she proceeded to lecture the two of you for the next hour.
String Gummy Cookie handed you a ticket to a concert being performed by the renowned Parfait Cookie.
"Woah.." You admired the ticket. "Why would Maple Taffy Cookie get this?"
"He says all the members of the TBD work too much and need to relax a bit. So he's been handing out tickets to the most prominent members." String Gummy cookie sighed. "He's enlisted my help to hand out the remaining tickets while he tries to give one to Baguette cookie."
You chuckled. "That sounds like an uphill battle."
"That's why I'm giving away the rest of them!"
The two of you laughed, and that's when you thought of a question.
"Hey, String Gummy cookie. Do you know if Croissant cookie is going?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have one for her, so I suppose Maple Taffy has already offered one to her."
You blushed, the thought of being at a concert with her flashed through your head. Maybe you'd finally have a chance to-
"You know, you should just confess your feelings to her if you're that attached." String Gummy cookie chuckled.
You jumped. "Ack! Am I really that easy to read?"
"It's written all over your face. But don't worry, if Croissant cookie comes I'll help you sit next to her."
"Really?" You beamed at String Gummy cookie. "Thanks! Just..please don't tell anybody."
"No promises." He chuckled, playfully punching your shoulder.
You grabbed the empty box, a little pep in your step. You couldn't wait to finish your shift, so you could go to the concert.
And maybe it was that happiness that blinded you to the eyes that were watching you not too far away...

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