[! Yandere !] White Lily cookie X [Sympathetic] Reader

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[Girl failure has arrived]

[I actually really like White Lily cookie]

[She's still such a girl failure tho like. She even got her own shadow clone, embarrassing.]

[Also shoutout to that one individual in my Silverbell x Reader chapter]

[Bro is going through the trenches rn]

[Couldn't imagine someone close to me learning that I write fanfics shipping unhinged cookies with myself 💀]

[Tho these unhinged comments are what I live for]

[Anyways I did this chapter more in a school setting sense I was inspired by that one Crk April fools dating sim thing]

[I might do another chapter with her. But maybe her as more of the soul jam guardian instead of school moment.]

[I was feeling exceptionally lazy today so I just skipped the fluff and went straight to the action.]

[Hopefully y'all don't mind a shortish chapter with a odd style.]

[Reader uses They / Them]

[! Dismemberment !]

It was hard, transferring to new schools.

Leaving all your friends behind and venturing into a new a foreign land.

That's what you had to do unfortunately..
Being a very gifted child, you soared through most of your classes.
So when you were given a chance to enroll in a prestigious academy, the blueberry magic academy, your parents naturally pushed you to go head first into it.

You weren't ecstatic about the idea.
You had to say goodbye to all your old friends.
And even though you were very academically gifted.
You couldn't exactly ignore the dirty glares that the other students gave you.

You were basically ostracized by day one. You were basically a pariah.

On one particularly bad experience, you found yourself running away from your problems. You hid in the science lab.
It was still under construction, so very few cookies even went in there.

It seemed like a perfect place to just ugly cry.

"Uhugh..stupid school..mm, stupid parents..I wish they never stupid had me go to this stupid school..."
You sobbed, hot tears streaming down your face.
You buried your head in your knees, you just wished this was all a horrible nightmare and you'd eventually just wake up from it.

Feeling an odd shiver run down your spine, you looked up, only to be met with the milky red eyes of a cookie.

"Waugh!" You almost lept out of your dough.

"Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry...I-.." The cookie seemed to stutter out, her lovely white hair moving ever so slightly as she nervously moved around.

"..what are you doing? Have I become some sort of zoo attraction now..?" You tried to sound intimidating but you failed horribly.

"Oh no! I-..I just wanted to see if you were okay.." The cookie smiled halfheartedly. "Though I think I already have my answer.."

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