[! Yandere !] Abalone Cookie X Reader

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| [I-..Got some explaining to do ig..] |
| [Guys..I'm sorry. I know he's the obvious bad guy] |
| [Also I know most everyone hates Abalone cookie but like] |
| [ 😳 ] |
| [But like...He's hot- and a pirate] |
| [And this is my book so I can write who I want] |
| [ >:) ] |
| [Also improved writing style ogga!] |

[! TW: Swearing !]

| [2nd person pov] |
| [Reader uses They/Them] |

~.[ 'You may not be a mermaid, but your still treasure to him'].~

Abalone cookie.
Even the mere mention of his name caused you to freak out.
Purely because you were scared of him..
You used to be a part of his crew, sailing the high seas and making a bit of a killing when it came to money.
Though your views on being associated with him quickly changed after he caught a mermaid.
Abalone cookie showed no qualms when it came to selling the creature off to a shady dealer while they screamed for their family and to be let go.
Frankly..it struck a nerve deep inside you.
The next town Abalone's ship stopped at, was the one you stayed in.
You hid in the crowd, bribing an inn owner to let you stay there and keep your identity secret while you waited for Abalone cookie to leave.
You did hear him enter the inn and question the owner on your whereabouts but thankfully the owner kept quiet.
About three days later, the ship went back out to sea.
Not that you were exactly out of the woods yet as they said. You still had to keep your identity a secret, often using a made up name in order to blend in.
You cut and let the hair dye, Abalone cookie forced all crew members to use, wash out (yours was orange but honestly the colors tended to vary depending on what job a cookie did on the ship). Revealing your natural hair color that you hadn't seen in a long while.
You bought dark colored clothes (usually hoodies) to help you stand out way less.
Most importantly of all, you stayed far away from the ports.
Usually it'd be quite..strange for someone to use so much effort just to stay hidden but for the situation you were in it was a necessity and the only thing keeping you alive.
Deserting a pirate ship was considered a hefty crime by all pirates.
You still had at least five years of duty left before you could leave respectfully so to just suddenly vanish put you on a hit list.
If Abalone cookie ever figured out where you were hiding then it'd be curtains.
You'd be killed in the most torturous, gruesome way imaginable and your body would be thrown in the ocean.
That's what the rule on dying your hair was for. To make deserters easier to spot and catch.
Thankfully you had luck on your side and you were finally free from that nightmare.

At least that's what you thought for about a month.

'...Stupid inn keeper knows I hate going to the ship docks..' You thought furiously as you carried a box full of fish. 'So why give me a job that makes me go there..'
You trudged down to the port, noticing the large amounts of ships and seagulls settling around.
However one ship in particular caught your attention. The sea green, orange and deep gray banner that hung over the side of the wooden vessel.
You recognized it anywhere.
It was Abalone cookie's ship.
'shit...Shit...SHIT!' Your thoughts were overtaken with extreme panic as you began to profusely sweat.
Why today! Why did he have to be here today! Did he know you were here!
You momentarily thought about running back to the inn but you thought that'd make you look too suspicious so you just decided to act natural and give the order.
You went over to the stand you were told to find. There was a cookie inside who looked bored out of their mind, tapping the wood of the stand as they waited for people to order from them.
"Here. I believe you ordered this." You set the box down on the shelf.
"Oh? Yeah..Thanks.." The cookie muttered lethargically, slowly opening the box.
You left as the smell of fresh fish made you sick.

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now