[! Yandere !] : [Platonic] Silverbell cookie X Reader

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[Oh wow, going from most stereotypical choice (Shadow Milk) to 'how the hell do you like this cookie' (all the faerie cookies)]

[Dw, I'll be getting worse]

[Giving a chapter to Elder faerie cookie]

[Really showing how wild my list of hyperfixation characters is]

[Brain rot really did a number on my ability to write a good ending]

[So yeah, hopefully this chapter won't be complete Garbo because I started out great but as it went on the idea got muddled, whoops]

[Anyways, I'm tired again lol, so let's get this posted already.]

[Reader uses They / Them]

[! Gore !]

As far as you knew they were just legends.
Supposedly winged cookies who would whisk away unfortunate cookies during the night.
Said cookie's who were spirited away would never be seen again, their fate left uncertain.
The sound of singing a laughter that would echo through forests was a telltale sign that faeries were nearby.

You were naturally told to keep away from faeries and the forests.
But they were just so interesting and so fun sounding.
Beautiful winged cookie's who's mere presence inspired awe and bliss.
Perhaps faeries were just misunderstood and misrepresented in legends.
It all sounded so alluring.

Yet no matter how many times you frolicked in your backyard at night.
Or got scolded by your parents for trying to summon a faerie.
They never ever seemed to appear.

You lost hope in the chance of ever getting to meet one.
Maybe your mere presence offended them in a way you'd never understand.
Regardless, your dream was never meant to come to fruition.
Now you were just that, strange cookie who liked faeries (ew, weirdo).

"Eugh..." A very light, smooth voice seemed to travel to your ears. The voice was soft and otherworldly, even having a light undertone of chiming bells.

You looked up from your oakwood desk, your whole room was glazed in a homey amber light, keeping the dark and cold night away.
You glanced to the right, out a small window overlooking your family's backyard. It was all covered in a dark hazy blue, only illuminated by the moons wavering light.
Though something caught your attention.

Right in the middle of the backyard. Surrounded by the deep muted greens of grass, was a light, bluish silver cookie.
They seemed to be hunched over, a bow of some kind laid discarded a few meters away.

It was quite the sight to behold at nine pm.
Your parents weren't home yet, still out doing jobs in the main city.
So you had to decide if you wanted to confront the intruder, or hide until they returned.

Though something seemed to draw you to the unfamiliar cookie.
You wanted to go meet them..

So, throwing caution to the wind, you left the comfort of your room. Walking down the carpeted stairs to the first floor, then from your kitchen to the back door.
You slid it open and stepped outside (stupidly, you had done so barefooted but the discomfort took a backseat).

"I..must get back to...his majesty.." The cookie rasped out with heavy breaths.

It seemed the strange cookie hadn't noticed you yet, their head was more focused on the ground.
They wore a strange silk white suit, draped over their left shoulder. They had a light silver dough (an odd color for dough to be), with light chalky blue hair.
They also seemed to exude a heavenly smell, something between the most wonderful flowers and the most delicious food you had ever smelled.

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