[Request] [!Yan!] Longan dragon x Reader

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[Longan dragon is practically becoming the poster child of this book series hah-]
[Not that I'm complaining, i simp big time for Longan daddy] (never saying that again)
[The reader is going to be a normal cookie]
[Oh boy, cookie x dragon hating cookie who's a yandere. I see no way this'll go wrong, 100% wholesome.]
[Second person pov]
[Reader uses They/Them]
[TW: Blood/jam + Non consensual kissing + Very slight Nsfw]

In a world, where dragons roamed and constantly remained a threat in people's minds. Even to you, they remained a constant threat and motivated you to train to become a dragon slayer.
One of your biggest role models was Knight cookie. Knowing that he had managed to cut off a dragon's tail motivated you to continue training. If someone as goofy as him managed to cut a dragon's tail, why couldn't you?
You couldn't help but imagine the glamor and fame that came with slaying a dragon, you took all sorts of classes in SaltPorts school of dragon hunting. You learned that power wasn't everything, one also needed good agility to outsmart and outlast the cunning creatures. So you began learning all the nooks and crannies within your seaside town, you learned and practiced movements until your dough felt like it was going to fall apart at any moment.
To say that dragon hunting was your life's passion was an understatement.
But unfortunately, one fateful day, an actual dragon attacked and turned your life upside down.

It was a day like any other, you were slashing at dragon dummies...
"Hargh!" You shouted, slicing into the dummy, sending fluff flying out of its wounds. "Take that you scaly scoundrel! Hah!"
You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the thrill of gloating.
"Still out training?" A feminine cookie chuckled.
You looked up, noticing a cookie in spiffy red armor, she was Cherry pie cookie. Everyone knew that she was a high level dragon hunter, known for slaying wyverns like it was nothing (though she had yet to encounter a dragon)!
"Yup, gotta keep the mind sharp and the sword sharper!" You laughed.
Cherry pie cookie chuckled, kicking up some dirt from the training grounds, she opened her mouth to say something but her words would never be seen.
A panicking cookie rushed into the training grounds, crying hysterically at the two of you as their sweaty blue hair obscured their face.
"Huh?" You tilted your head at the sight, were pirates attacking again? "What's the matter?"
"Eyes.." The cookie wheezed out, raising their head to reveal light cyan eyes. "Floating golden eyes that turn you to stone."
While the idea seemed unconventional and even a little silly to you (floating eyes? Seriously?), you noticed Cherry pie cookie instantly stiffen as though she had seen a dragon.
Clearly, she knew something you didn't.
"Grab that cookie and hide." She hissed.
You were flabbergasted at her sudden suggestion. Dragon hunters don't desert their duties, especially when trouble arises.
"No! I'll go with you and get to the bottom-"
"No. This is out of your league, squirt." She gave you a sympathetic look. "Leave this to the professionals. This is way out of your league..and maybe even mine.."
Without another word, Cherry Pie cookie took off towards the main part of the town below the cliff that the training grounds were located on top of, bright red wavy hair swayed behind her. Leaving you with a very scared cookie.
Despite every fiber in your dough wanting to run after Cherry Pie cookie, you couldn't help but feel bad for the other cookie, who was now hiding in a nearby weapons house.
Biting down your pride, you went into the shed and decided to wait the storm out with the scared cookie you now had to comfort.

The screams that echoed through the city before being suddenly cut off was probably the worst part.
You could feel the screams chip away at your sanity and all you could do is hope that somebody would stop whoever was behind this.
The male cookie next to you continued whimpering softly as you fed him sweet nothings that Cherry pie cookie would defeat whoever was behind this but even you were starting to lose hope.
The scream finally died out around the one hour mark.
The town became deathly quiet and now all that could be heard was your soft breathing and the other cookie's soft sobs.
The two of you waited a few minutes and just as you were thinking of checking outside, you heard footsteps approaching.
A slight glimmer of hope shined through as you thought it might be Cherry pie cookie coming to say that the threat has been taken care of. Unfortunately the voices that came after squashed that hope.
"Hahah! What weak cookies, huh?!" A rather high jovial voice giggled. "Even the ones that tried to fight you stood no chance!"
"Of courssse." A sly voice hissed. "None can hope to triumph againssst the great Longan dragon."
"Your praises flatter me." A strong monotone voice (that likely belonged to the titular Longan dragon) echoed gruffly. "However our job is not done until we fully exterminate the cookie vermin here and everywhere. Not a crumb of them should exist if we wish to return to the old world.."
Their words sickened you in a way that couldn't be accurately expressed,the thought of a villain so evil existing and rationalizing their heinous crimes in such a way baffled you to no end.
Your thoughts briefly flashed back to Cherry pie cookie, who was likely dead or trapped in a stone prison of no escape.
The footsteps began to grow closer to your hiding spot, grabbing your sword, you turned and looked at the blue haired cookie (who was now on the verge of a full mental breakdown) with serious eyes.
"Listen to me." You whispered frantically, as you guys didn't have much time at all. "I'm going to run out and distract those cookies out there, while you run away and try to warn anyone else that you can find in our neighboring cities."
'If they are even still alive', a small part of you thought.
"Nononono.." The cookie whimpered. "I can't."
"You need to! I'm not letting you die here!"
"Think of the cookies you'll save."
"..okay..I'll go." He sighed, tensing up as though getting ready to run.
You grabbed your sword, letting out a sigh. Perhaps this was going to be your last breath.
Steeling yourself, you charged out of the shed, the panicked footsteps of the other cookie echoed behind you.
You saw three cookies before you, a violet bat-like cookie, a cookie clothed with snake themed attire and (the cookie you were aiming for) a white and gold cookie with sharp black and gold eyes. Their gaze focused on the cookie attempting to escape, which you thought was the perfect opportunity for attack.
You raised your sword over your head, everything seemed to slow slightly.
The two other cookies narrowed their eyes, the violet cookie slowly moved to intercept you while the snake cookie seemed content with just staring at you with sharpened eyes.
The golden cookie slowly turned their attention towards you but you thought it would be far too late for them, as you brought your sword down towards their neck.
Everything came back to normal speed once the wave of disbelief hit you. The cookie reached up with a fluid motion, grabbing your sword with their black, gloved claw. Stopping you in your tracks.
A tiny bit of jam trickled from your sword as the cookie wrapped their whole claw around the blade and with one quick squeeze, shattered it.
You froze in utter disbelief as your sword was rendered useless, you also heard the anguished cries of the cookie you had attempted to save, showing this golden cookie's true power.
They had managed to ward off both attacks without any effort, they were well beyond any normal cookie power.
"Hehehe. Look at you!" The violet bat-cookie snickered. "How pathetic, Longan dragon dispelled your attack in mere seconds."
The snake cookie hissed, "I hate to agree with you Lychee dragon, but even that red armored cookie put up a better fight than this putrid piece of flour."
So she was dead.
You moved to collect yourself, only to feel a clawed hand wrap around your neck, pulling you upwards.
"Little weakling, what did you hope to accomplish with such a pathetic fighting style..?" Longan dragon rasped out.
"Just kill me already you-Ghak!" The dragon cut off the rest of your tantrum as they began choking you.
"You aren't in any place to make any demands.." They hissed, tilting you from side to side as though examining a coin. "Answer my question, weakling."
"...just trying anything I guess.." You dropped the tough cookie act. "Thought I could win..."
"Hehe! You cookies. I'll never understand you lot." Lychee dragon giggled, rolling around in the air.
The Longan dragon brought you down to their eye level, using their other hand to thread through your hair and hold your eyes open.
"..what pretty features wasted on an utter weakling.." The Longan dragon sighed, leaving you still wondering how you were still alive. "All cookies need to be erased..but."
Longan dragons eyes sparkled as they beckoned to Lychee dragon cookie.
"Perhaps I'll make an exception for such a pretty weakling."
A sudden explosion of pain erupted from the back of your head as you passed out.

Your head burned as you slowly came to. You blinked, opening your eyes slowly only to be blinded. Once you collected yourself and the headache became a little less severe your eyes opened again.
You weren't in SaltPort anymore.
Rather you were in a golden room. The walls were coated in thick ivory paint with solid gold lines running through the wall.
You were laid next to a large lavish bed (gee) but other than that, the room wasn't very decorated.
"Argh.." You groaned, stumbling out of the room into a large hallway.
You walked through the hallway with your hand straddling the back of your head, feeling the dried jam on the back of your head. There were eye-like murals on the walls, a large serpent like dragon seemed to weave through these eyes on the art.
You got to the end of the hallway, only to be met with an even worse sight.
There was a large, intricately designed throne in the middle of the room. It was large and featured two dragons holding up a large eye behind it.
And sitting on that throne was Longan dragon.
"Ah. Your awake pathetic cookie." They sneered, beckoning at you. "Come here, cookie."
You froze, unable to move as you locked eyes with the dragon.
"Are you deaf Weakling?"
Seeing no other options, you slowly walked up to the throne. The dragon smiled eerily, grabbing ahold of your chin.
"Little weakling, I find you entertaining." They rasped, yellow smoke swirls out of their mouth. "You'll be mine. Forever."
You froze, was this dragon being real?
"What's your name cookie?"
"Y/N." You glared, grabbing their claw, trying to free your head. "And I won't be yours!"
"Hah!" Longan dragon grabbed the other side of your head with their free hand, hoisting you up onto their lap. "You don't seem to understand your situation, weakling."
You blushed wildly in the dragons lap and opened your mouth to say something, only to have the dragon suddenly kiss you, their slick tongue slithered into your mouth.
Your mind went blank, as you felt strange.
The kiss only lasted a second, as the dragon let go of your lips, smiling snidely.
"Heh. You liked that my little, weakling?"
Your head was numb. You wanted to shout no and take your towns side but what would that accomplish? All the cookies you defended were now trapped in stone, so you weren't defending them.
Cookies outside SaltPort found you weird, considering you didn't pursue a higher education (since you went into knight training) so a lot of them didn't respect you.
Perhaps becoming Longan Dragons 'servant' wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Mmmmm..." You grumbled out, as the dragon laughed, patting your head.
"You'll be mine. You'll devote yourself to my cause, I'll train you to be the best fighter in our new world." Longan dragon leaned on your head with a purr. "Your all mine, my pretty little weakling."
"I love you my sweet Y/N.."

Hidden by the walls of the other hallway, Lychee Dragon cookie and SnakeFruit cookie watched Longan and Y/N cookie chat amongst each other.
"Heh! Seems it didn't take long for Longan to win over that pompous knight." Lychee dragon chuckled. "I guess the saying; 'give a cookie a little love and they'll follow you forever' is true."
"Perhapsss.." SnakeFruit cookie hissed lowly. "Or maybe they decided that entertaining the Longan dragon's obsession was better than being trapped in ssstone.
Lychee dragon smirked, running a claw across SnakeFruit cookies jaw, causing them to jump.
"Who said anything about obsession? Longan dragon takes whatever they desire. Even I must admit, for a cookie they do have a nice physique."
"Of courssse...But even you musst admit that Longan dragon never actsss thisss..tender. Esspecially towards a cookie."
"...what are you getting at snake?"
"Oh nothing, jussst pointing out the sstrange ssituation. And the fact that thisss might not end well for poor Y/N cookie."
"Who cares what happens to them? They're a cookie. Anyways I'm off to tidy up their room."
Lychee started flying down the hallway, leaving SnakeFruit cookie with one last message.
"Also, stay in your lane. Unless you wish to be replaced...hehe~"
Impudent brat.
SnakeFruit cookie looked back at Longan and Y/N. Watching Longan run their claw through the cookies hair while they stared off into space.
Who knows what the future has in store for this blooming obsession.
"Perhapsss." SnakeFruit cookie covered their mouth, glaring at the two. "I can usse your obsession to my advantage."
"Your reign will come to an end sssoon, Longan dragon...By my handsss."

A small yet audible chuckle exited Longan dragons mouth.
It seems they were sowing the seeds of obsession and destruction.
And the snake was oblivious to what side they were on...


[Authors Note: Oh my..I might've indulged a bit with this chapter  😵‍💫. Definitely my most ranchy chapter so I hope that's fine.
It was fun to write regular evil Longan dragon for this request. I sorta wish I could write more of their dynamic but maybe sometime else. Sense this is a request.
Hopefully our requester enjoyed this! It was definitely fun to write .///.
Anyways, time to move onto the next request where we go from yandere to fluff and angst. Heh.]
[Thanks for reading ~Cattus 🍪]

[Total words: 2490]

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