[!Yandere!] Oyster cookie X mermaid reader

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(Oh my sweet grandma cookie is going to be the one to break our dragon chain)
(Reader is a mermaid {duh} and their hair and fish tail will be koi colored so I don't have to write h/c like 100 times-)
(Black Pearl cookie will make an appearance but it'll be a minor one as the reader's friend. {Maybe one day black pearl will get a chapter. But it won't be today})
(Reader will use gender neutral pronouns {headcannon what you will})
(This story takes place in the seas near the crème  republic)
(!TW: Blood and implied syringe!)

The duskgloom sea. The mere mention of the place made both cookies and mermaids terrified but not you, because a friend of yours lived there.

"Black Pearl cookie? Yoo hoo? Friend~ hello-"
"Agh, Y/N cookie. Could you keep it down?"
There was a sudden change in the water's current, causing you to get pushed in a random direction and almost lose the big fatty tuna you had been holding.
"Woah! Black Pearl! I told you to stop doing that without warning me!" You huffed angrily, swishing your orange and white speckled tail as you tossed the tuna at Black Pearl. "I almost dropped your lunch!"

"Hah. Well maybe next time don't just come swimming into my territory uninvited." Black Pearl cookie chuckled, catching the tuna with little effort. "-And I don't need some child to go hunting for me. I'm more than capable of hunting by myself."
You pouted, swimming down to the sea floor that was covered in ship wreckage.
"First off, I'm not a kid! Secondly, I just wanted to be nice to my friend.." You said, sitting next to a half destroyed ship with a butter lion insignia carved into its wood.

Black Pearl cookie sighed, swimming down to sit down by you with a sympathetic smile, an extremely rare sight. "I'm sorry. It was a nice gesture." She split the tuna in two and handed you the tail.
The two of you ate in uncomfortable silence until you finally decided to break the silence with a statement that most mermaids wouldn't dare utter.
"Hey Black Pearl?"
"I'm thinking about going and seeing that large glittery cookie town."
Black Pearl cookie stiffened noticeably, but you disregarded it.
"It always looks so pretty, I want to get a closer look. Go on an adventure, y-"
"DON'T..." Black Pearl cookie hissed, slowly turning towards you, eyes full of rage. "I care about you, so I'll tell you that those cookies are evil beings."

She reached forward, gently cupping your face with her distorted fingers, looking at your face with rage comparable to that of a hundred chocolate eels.
"Those creatures transformed me..no, corrupted me into what I am now..." She let go of your face, swimming away with a few choice words of wisdom. "If you must adventure, go look around in a trench or something. Just leave the world of cookies alone.."

With that she was gone, leaving you with a rather confused expression. Were the cookies really that awful, or was she just overeating. After all Black Pearl cookie was rather overprotective since you were one of her only friends in the kingdom of mermaids.
You remembered it like it was yesterday, you were out adventuring when you had bumped into her large visage by accident. Despite the fact that most mermaids were utterly terrified of her, you were interested, she was so strong and full of so many interesting and unique stories that you just continued to hang around with her so you could hear them.

Though she did have a rather..interesting personality. Often rubber banding between moods without much warning and perhaps this was just one of those times. Not to mention that Black Pearl cookie's stories often change depending on how she was feeling, further discrediting her words of wisdom.
"I'm sure it isn't that bad.." You said, shrugging your shoulders, getting off the seafloor and started to swim off in the direction to the cookie city. "I'll be back before she even realizes."

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