[Request (s)] : [! Yan !] Langue de Chat cookie X Reader

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[When's the last time I've done one of these.]

[I'm far too lazy to grab the request rn but I know a few of you have been asking for the Ace Attorney cookie so consider it delivered.]

[Still taking a slight break for mental health reasons so this chapter might be a little short but dw, I'll make a longer / more chapters tomorrow (today).]

[Hope you guys don't mind if I do a couple of the Witches Castle cookies here too!]

[I might hate match thee esk games but holy molly do some of the designs slay tho!]

[Marble Danish cookie, Sachertorte cookie, Rosemary cookie oh my!]

[Granted one of them hardly has any characterization but that's never stopped me.]

[:Nervously looks at plans to make a Eternal Sugar cookie and Mystic Flour cookie chapter:]

[Agh, look what I'm saying is I'm impatient so I'll make the character myself.]

[Anyways! Here's the first request I've done for awhile! Hope all you lawyer cookie simps enjoy it!]

[If it's ooc I'm sorry! This is kinda when I fell out of cookie run so unfortunately Ace Attorney over here gets the clip notes treatment.]

[Cappuccino cookie is a little scrungly tho.]

[Reader uses They / Them]


Ah, here you were, awaiting trial yet again.

You seemed to always get yourself into these situations, between small petty crimes like vandalism to (trying to and often failing) creating all sorts of mechanical contraptions.

Often called in for your interferences, you were just as often caught as you weren't exactly slick.

And yet, as you were caught there would always be one cookie who bailed you out.

Langue de Chat cookie.

..He really didn't make much sense to you, considering how much you got taken in you often wondered why he continued to represent you.

It was like fighting an uphill battle so high that it even baffled you, someone who was actually benefiting from this whole exchange.

This time was no different, he once again represented you, thankfully the two of you won and the charges were dropped.

The crisp taste of morning air hit the back of your throat as the two of you exited the courthouse.

Langue de Chat cookie smoothed out his glasses with the red fabric of his shirt, seeming incredibly exasperated like a parent trying to stop their child from imploding for the thirtieth time that day.

You, on the other hand, wore a slightly confused expression.

"Why do you keep doing this?" You asked, genuinely curious. "You must realize how much of a battle this is. After all, I'm not just going to stop getting in trouble.."

"I really wish you'd just listen to me for once and stop all these ridiculous things..." Langue de Chat cookie sighed, placing his glasses back on his head which only accentuated his sharp green eyes.

"I have to, after all my life depends on such things.."

"It doesn't have to..-" Langue de Chat fiddled, trying to keep up with you. "If you'd just let me help you-.."

"Look! I'm really happy that you've been helping me out." You chuckled playfully. "But you shouldn't be wasting so much resources on a lost cause like me.."

"I wouldn't say 'lost cause' so much as..you're quite the thick skull.." Langue de Chat
dragged his hand through his blond hair.

"Mayhaps, all I'm trying to say is that you're wasting your time, lawyer boy." You reached out and flicked his forehead, causing him to let out a startled gasp. "See you on the flip side, loser!"

With that playful remark, you sped off with a light skip, no doubt on your way to cause more debauchery and end up back in trouble yet again.

Langue de Chat stared for a moment before releasing the breath he had been holding in.
That breath he had held when you had gotten oh so close to him.

It was true, all these trials just for some petty criminal as yourself, it was ludicrous.

Yet, there was an ulterior motive to his strange behavior.

Ever since he assigned himself to your trial, ever since he first laid eyes on you he found himself hopelessly hooked on trying to spend time with you.

Nights spent restlessly worrying about you as you went about causing small crimes and havoc, if only you'd just listen to him for once!
He could help you!
You wouldn't have to worry about poverty or all the small risky jobs you had to do to survive.

Just let him take care of you!

But no, just like in trials you had to be difficult.

Something metallic sounded in his back pocket, something that he had planned to use on you..
And yet, he couldn't bring himself to do something so horrible.

But as the days passed and the trials went by, his opinions slowly changed too.

What if you got yourself into a situation that not even he could get you out of!
The worry, it was beginning to consume him from the inside..

While you may walk free now, eventually Langue de Chat cookie's judgment would reach you and you'd be convinced to a fate forever by his side.

Though for right now, he was still just a goofy little cookie, willing to defend you no matter what!

He pressed his hand on his forehead, a slight blush forming on his cheeks.

Well! At least he'd get to see you soon enough, even if it was just in the courthouse.

"...I can't wait.."

{.~* Crumbs *~.}


[I told you it was short.]

[Total words: 929]


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