[Scenario] : | Dragons with baby |

945 18 13

[Oops I did a silly]

[I'm still sick and lazy as fuck so easy writing prompt go.]

[God tho I wanna lobotomize myself /j I keep getting stupid ideas.]

[I watched a video about Mario the music box and my brain went: 'Yk what'd be cool? A book about a scary mansion with evil cookies Olga boogla.]

[I'm suffering from success 😔]

[Anyways. I still find it funny that I'm one of the few people showing shadow milk cookie stuff (especially X Reader stuff)]

[I mean Ao3's got some too but like, Wattpad is like, empty.]

[I truly am a bastion for Shadow Milk enjoyers.]

[( Dw Elder Faerie enthusiasts, I'm trying to get the story ideas for him, I'll get there eventually.)]

[Anyhoo..Uh, gee.. yup. Get babyfied idiot.]


[Pitaya dragon cookie]

0 Voted gods most irresponsible caretaker.

0 Struggles to not accidentally set you on fire.

0 Usually tries to intimidate other cookies into giving them tips on how to care for a mini cookie.

0 Definition of: "oh this look easy" thirty minutes later: "Crap Crap, why are they crying???"

0 Very snuggly at least. Like a heated blanket.

0 Will probably try to spar with you once you 'gain sentience' (or just start walking, depends on how patient they are).

0 Probably will come out with just a lil bit of brain damage from Pitaya dragon forgetting how strong they are.

0 They'd likely get scolded by HollyBerry cookie for being too rough.

[Ananas dragon cookie]

0 Probably like one of those 'Dad who didn't want the cat but who got the cat and now likes the cat'.

0 Starts out with that higher than thou 'why should I take care of this thing?'

0 'Ew, it's touching my treasure, stop stop.'

0 Though after a bit they'd eventually warm up to you.

0 Would let you play with their pineapple lemur pet and teach you how play gently.

0 They'd get flustered if they were caught showing affection to you.

0 'What, no? I don't actually like the baby. Go away, shoo.'

0 Leaves you with the other villagers if they have to go do something.

0 But then again, where would Ananas dragon cookie even go?

[Lotus dragon cookie]

0 Only sane caretaker.

0 Probably has absolutely no qualms with taking care of you.

0 They probably believe that they are the most capable of the five anyways, it was inevitable.

0 Absolutely pampered. Like, your given gifts and allowed to see the festival.

0 Would never let you participate (fully) in the wish festival.

0 Can't be taking any life energy from you, that's slightly too morbid for Lotus dragons taste.

0 Would have the other servants take care of you if Lotus dragon ever needs to do something.

0 Hydrangea cookie is a mvp.

0 She'd likely let you get away with a lot of stuff because she's too lazy.

[Lychee dragon cookie]

0 Voted Earthbreads biggest idiot.

0 Uhh. What do I even say about you.

0 Welp, you're a dragon cookie so I have to say something.

0 Probably a play partner for you.

0 Hilariously inept.

0 Has probably set you on fire at least once.

0 Would loudly scream if you dared to cry in their presence.

0 Sometimes sent to keep watch of you.

0 Always loses you, no matter where they are watching you.

[Longan dragon cookie]

0 It's like one of those scary mafia drawings and once the boss gets a child they're like covered in stickers.

0 This guy has literal beef with coughing babies but uhh, your their little idiot coughing baby so they'd probably not beef with you.

0 Would send SnakeFruit cookie into orbit for even looking at you wrong.

0 Trusts their own servants with you far more than they do SnakeFruit cookie.

0 You've probably scared the absolute hell out of them by accidentally falling off their floating palace.

0 Only once though, Longan dragon wouldn't let it happen again of course.

0 You'll be spared from the whole 'turning everyone to stone' thing, duh.

0 Will let you play with the dragon orbs.

0 Teaches you how to swim as soon as possible.

0 You could probably get anyone nuked off the face of the planet if you asked Longan dragon.

0 Except the other dragon cookies, duh.

0 A rather nice caretaker. If not rather gruff.

0 They constantly look miffed, likely leading to misunderstandings between the two of you.

0 ' Your mad at me aren't you!!' 'No! This is just my resting face.'

0 Doesn't trust Pitaya dragon with you.

0 ' No Pitaya you can't spar with my child. Now go away, it's three am.'

[Snapdragon cookie]

0 I-

0 This is a literal baby.

0 Maybe baby friend.

{.~* Crumbs *~.}

[To be burdened with so many ideas yet so sick. I swear I do have projects coming up!]

[Total words: 824]

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