{Side B} : [! Yandere !] Linzer cookie X Reader

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| [Named sides bc technically they're both the same story] |

| [Just different love interests] |

| [Headcannon Linzer cookie being a sly lil menace] |

| [Loves to push people's buttons because they can type of character] |

| [Going headcannon version bc the actual story gave me little to work with] |

| [Late to the Christmas characters Ik Ik] |

| [Lil warning, might get a bit slower with taking requests bc I sorta wanna exercise writing stuff that I wanna write] |

| [Not that I'm gonna stop doing requests but they're definitely lower down] |

| [I'm just bad at writing stuff for others ig] |

| [Reader uses They / Them] |


"Please! Have your tickets ready when you board the train!"

You carefully moved through the crowd, towards the train cart. Golden ticket in hand.
Making your way to one of the train personnel, watching him stiffen excitedly at the sight of you.

"Oh. My. Crumbs! Y/N cookie! Is it truly you?"

The personal seemed giddy, a wide smile across his face. It would be a little embarrassing but you honestly enjoyed the fact that you could bring such happiness to someone made you happy.

"Why yes it is~! How surprising it is to see a fan of my works here of all places." You replied playfully.

"Oh! Who wouldn't be a fan of such glorious art! I simply must have an autograph!-...as well as your ticket, of course!" The personal gushed before remembering his job.

You smiled, signing a paper on his clipboard as he took the golden ticket from your hand.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!" He squealed, putting the clipboard away. "Anyways-..Ahem..-You may head inside, the conductor will give you a tour of the train! Enjoy your stay!"

You carefully made your way through the hallway, trying to find your room. Despite getting a tour from the conductor themselves you'd be lying if you said you'd actually been paying attention to what they had been saying.
You were more preoccupied with daydreaming about another potential art piece instead of paying attention.

Now it seems you were paying for your lapse in judgment.

"Is it here? No..couldn't be, maybe here?"

You continue down the hall, carrying your heavy luggage around.

"Nope, my room is not in this cart, perhaps it'll be in the next one.."

You opened the connecting door, quickly jogging into the next cart, only to suddenly smash into another cookie, scattering all your belongings across the floor.

"Ouch.." You involuntarily hissed.

"You really should watch where you're going. Or these sorts of embarrassing situations are bound to happen." A smooth voice snickered at your misfortune.

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now