Right One

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Info - reader with RBF, reader beat up someone and spent night in jail, mention of racism, social anxiety

"Oh, so you're Timothée's girlfriend," Nicole Chalamet said awkwardly.

"Yeah, y/n y/l/n," I said and shook her hand.

"Isn't that the name of that girl who broke a girls nose and spent a night in jail?" Pauline asked.

"I know it sounds bad but the girl was being really racist to my friend. I knew she couldn't do anything because of stereotypes," I mumbled.

"Look, she's a good girl," Timothée said, putting his arm around me.

He'd invited me to his family's cabin to meet them and spend the long weekend. I had been nervous because people usually thought of me as rude when they first met me. This was because of my resting bitch face and because when I got nervous in social situations I clamed up and it gave the impression I thought I was better than others.

That's what happened here. As much as I tried kept falling into awkward bouts of silence. Pauline kept flinching from me as if I was a wild feral animal. I felt horrible by the end of the night.

"They'll warm up to you," Timothée promised as he caressed my cheek as we laid across from each other.

"What if they don't. I love you so much, I want your family to love me. I don't want to be a divide," I sniffled.

"Come here princess," he said and pulled me to him and placed his chin on my head.

"Everything will be okay sweetness," he reassured me.

He turned out to be right. I soldiered through. I made sure to help Ms. Chalamet with every meal. I told funny stories. I showed gentleness in every way possible. Most of all I emphasized how amazing I thought Timothée was, and how I admired him.

"Y/n, I feel so guilty," Nicole said on the last night. I was in Timmy's lap in a chair around a fire.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'll admit when I first met you, I, well, I kinda of thought of you as rude. I feel so bad because you're so lovely and you're wonderful for our Timothée."

"Honestly, I felt the same and I'm so sorry," Marc said ashamedly.

"You know I was worried you were really an asshole and had bullied Timothée into a relationship, but you're great," Pauline smiled. "I know now you're hilarious and kind and a really great fit for my brother."

"That makes me really happy to hear, because I like all of you and I love Timothée," I told them.

"She was so sad that first night, but I knew her sweetness would shine through," Timmy smiled and kissed my cheek.

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