Newly Wed Questions

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Info - newly weds, PDA, famous reader, fluff

Timothée and I had just gotten married which meant our relationship was a hot topic in any interview we had.

"Now you two agreed that you would do a section about your relationship, is that still okay?" Asked Jimmy.

"I mean we just got married. We're definitely just dying to gush about each other, honeymoon phase and all that," Timmy said with his dorky laugh that I loved. He lifted out joined hands and kissed mine.

"Okay favorite thing about each other's personality?" Jimmy asked, we knew he was reading fan submitted questions.

"I'll let my wife go first while I narrow down the billion things I love about her personality," Timothée said. I couldn't help but lean over and kiss his cheek for that.

"For me it's his wisdom, we can sit under the stars and talk art and love for hours. He's a philosopher of his generation, if he says something I really love I write it down in a journal. However, he's so humble he always tries to wrestle the pen out of my hand."

"Can you blame me?" He asked with pink cheeks. "I'd feel so pompous having a journal of my 'wise thoughts' out there."

"So what's your answer then Timothée?" Jimmy asked.

"Her kindness, I think the moment I fell in love with her was when a homeless man tried to steal her gloves in freezing weather and instead of getting mad she gave him the gloves. It was so her and I adored it," he explained. I smiled down at my lap. Timmy gentle moved my head and kissed me sweetly.

"Guys! I think I'm gonna get a cavity, wow," Jimmy laughed.

"Night in or night out?"

"Night in," I said immediately.

"Why's that?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, he's so famous," I pouted. "I have him to myself at home."

"I agree night in," Timothée agreed.


"Well," Timmy did that thing where he paused with his mouth open and stared into space thinking of the best way to answer a question. "You can't makeout in public Jimmy, let's just say that."

"Woooooo!" Called the crowd as Timothée smiled satisfactorily.

"Now, who asked who out?" Jimmy mused.

"She asked me out I was completely dumbstruck when we met at an after party for an award show. We had one conversation and I couldn't get her out of my head. I kept going over and talking to her and then she laughed and asked me if I'd like to go out. I honestly felt like I had won the lottery."

"Awww baby," I grinned.

"So what's you favorite gift from one another?" Asked Jimmy.

"He custom made my engagement and wedding ring I think that takes the cake he put both our personalities into it," I swooned.

"You're gonna think my answer is really stupid," he chuckled.

"No I won't," I scoffed.

"She got this old guitar and stripped it down and wood burned her favorite lines of mine all over the body. It was not only a beautiful art piece, but an extremely thoughtful gift."

"Okay yeah, I change my mind, that is dumb. Jimmy I've literally got him a Cartier ring set!" I exclaimed.

"Those aren't as personal," he shrugged.

"Okay now I need to know about the wallpapers," Jimmy said with a smirk.

"Ummm mine is kinda unconventional," Timothée said awkwardly pulling his phone from his pocket.

"It's our wedding night," he said, unable to keep a smile from his face. "The first time she called me husband."

"Mine is my favorite picture from our engagement photo shoot," I said, flashing the camera.

"Those are beautiful," Jimmy complimented us. "Now we already kind of touched on this, but what's your favorite thing about their looks?"

"Her eyes!" Timothée piped up immediately.

"Um, his curls," I said, playing with them lightly.

"Mmmm," his eyes immediately closed and he leaned into my touch.

"Who gets annoyed more?"

"Definitely me," I chuckled. "But Timothée has infinite grace with me."

"To be fair, she isn't usually annoyed with me, more like the state of the world at the moment," Timothée defended me.

"Finally, one thing you can live without?" Jimmy asked.

"My darling wife," Timothée said, locking eyes with me. I darted forward and kissed him hard, clutching the front of his shirt. He seemed surprised at first but then melted into me.

Everyone was cheering as his thumbs brushed my cheekbones. When I backed away he was grinning wildly.

"I can't live without him either," I said.

"It's Offcial, Hollywoods cutest couple right here folks," Jimmy announced as I laid my head on Timmy's shoulder.

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