New Apartment

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Info - pining, best friend crush, nearly a love confession, anxiety

"Hey!" I said as my best friend came in the door with Chinese take out. I was shaking. Tonight was the night. I was going to tell her I had feelings. I was biting my lip. My excuse to have her over was this was my new apartment. I shouldn't feel like I needed an excuse because she was my best friend, but I was nervous since I'd realized my feelings.

I showed her around and of course she was perfect. She complimented the right things. She made funny comments. She was lovely as always.

I invited her over to the bed so we could eat and watch a movie. She climbed up and jumped on it a few times. "To break it in" she said since we used to jump on my old bed all the time.

"Oh my gosh," she said once she sat down on the quilt. "Your bed is so soft."

"That's exactly why I got it, for you to think it's soft," I teased.

"Hush," she instructed me. We casually ate as we watched The Wedding Singer, which was one of her favorite movies. I began to get nervous after I was done. I moved slowly to sit beside her. She laid her head on my shoulder. I gulped as I put my arm around her. She snuggled into me.

I blew out a shaky breath. I needed to do this, I needed to tell her. She deserved to know how I was feeling.

"Hey y/n I-" I was cut off by a tiny snore. I turned to look at her and saw she was face asleep. I watched her for a long time, and smiled. I would tell her, but not tonight, she could stay asleep.

SFW Timothee Chalamet Fanfiction P2Where stories live. Discover now