Badass Mom

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Info - rude parents, misogyny

"She's so cute," Timothée said as he held Margot. I was sleepy but happy seeing my husband holding our first baby girl.

"Yeah, she looks like her daddy," I smiled.

"So, I decided to invite my parents at the same time as your parents to come see her. I'm hoping your parents will be more civil with mine around."

I wasn't offended, my parents had made it clear from day one that they didn't like my choices, or Timothée. My father had even drunkenly tried to object at our wedding.

"Good idea," I said.

"Only issue is the only time they could all make it was in an hour," Timothée said sadly.

"It's okay, then I'll stop being sent pestering texts," I chuckled.

I was unhappy that my parents arrived a bit early. I was holding my baby protectively.

"What's her name?" My father asked.

"Margot," I said slowly.

"That's a horrible name," my mother said in disgust. "I thought you were naming her after grandma Joyce."

"No, YOU suggested I do that but I never agreed," I mumbled.

"Well there's still time to-"

"Hey!" Marc Chalamet walked into the room. Behind him was Nicole. I loved Tim's parents.

"Let's see her," Nicole said excitedly. I smiled and maneuvered her to show her off.

"She looks like Timothée," said both women in unison but one was sad and one was happy.

"Doesn't she," I said admiringly. "He says he doesn't see it."

"I wish I didn't see it," my father mumbled. We all chose to ignore that.

"Look, that nose is yours, so are the eyes," Timothée said.

"Yeah maybe but those eyebrows and that face structure is all you son," Marc said clapping him on the back.

"They named her Margot," my mother said as if it were a jailable offense.

"Oh how lovely," Nicole said.

"And we wanted to surprise you mom, her middle name is Nicole," Timothée said. Gasps from everything in the room. Nicole ran forward to hug us. Marc was beaming but my parents looked horrified.

"Nicole? Nicole! You name your baby after a woman you hardly know and your grandma Joyce can't get a shot, or what about me?" My mother shouted.


"No y/n, you've just given birth, let me handle it," Nicole said.

"I've sat by and watched you act horrible to my son and daughter in law. They asked me to keep my mouth shut. I did, but I can't anymore. The baby is THEIRS we should feel grateful they want to share her with us. All I've heard is complaints from you. My son is devoted to your daughter yet you always treat him awfully."

"Control your wife Marc," my father snarled.

"No, I agree with her completely. You see your tired daughter who just gave you a lovely granddaughter and all you've done is criticize."

"Fine we're going if you all are going to be so awful," my mother snapped. They left and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much," I said to them.

"Of course, if you need anything you tell me, I doubt your mom will be of much help."

"Thanks for being badass as usual mom," Timothée smiled.

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