Not Invited

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Info - lonely reader, mean girl bullies, accusation of incest, cocky Elio, speaking Italian, comfort, calling someone a bitch

"I swear everyone was there," Lydia said with a laugh.

"Well if someone wasn't there it's being they're an antisocial loser," Bonnie laughed and looked in my direction.

I was just trying to read the new poetry book Elio had bought me, but the popular girls could never let me just exist.

"Well I had the time of my life, probably the best party I've ever been to," Lydia chuckled.

I sniffed and I saw them smile. I hated giving them the satisfaction but I felt so lonely at the moment.

"Woah total hottie alert," Lydia said. I looked up and saw my boyfriend Elio smirking and walking towards me. I jumped up and ran to him. I kissed him full on the mouth and he grinned.

"I knew you'd be happy to see me," he bragged.

"Don't be pompous," I reprimanded him jokingly. I ran back to get my book bag.

"Hey y/n, it's really weird family members on the mouth, also you should introduce me," she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Lydia that's my boyfriend Elio and we are NOT related," I snapped.

"There's no way you pulled him," she snarled.

"Be a bitch to someone else, I don't have time," I rolled my eyes.

On the walk home I just listened to Elio talk about his day and how rude his college professor was to him. He also mentioned he was getting better at guitar and piano.

"You've been quiet," he said softly. "What's wrong mio caro?"

"Those two girls sitting next to me were making fun of me because I wasn't invited to a party. I know it's totally juvenile and stupid and I shouldn't bother you about this shit," I said dismally.

"Sei il mio raggio di sole, so of course I care that you were being bullied. They're to blame for being juvenile, you aren't dumb for feeling bad," he told me. I sniffed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Ti voglio tanto bene Elio," I sighed.

"I know you do," he chuckled.

"You're so smug!" I said, giving him a joking smack.

"Come on," he grabbed my hand and we ran to his house together. We jumped onto the bed in his room. He immediately pulled me into his arms and cuddled me close to him.

"I'm cuddling you alllll afternoon, fuck you're so precious," he said and kissed my cheek.

"You're sweet, and I would love that immensely," I smiled to myself.

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