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Info - pirate au, kidnapping, rivals, cell, saving rat

I'd never thought this would happen to me. I was Iron Eye, the high Pirate of the Glass Sea with water so clear you could see to the bottom. I'd run those waters for years. How dare the Commodores come in and try to take all the waters for the crown.

This was embarrassing. My crew would come and bail me out, but it'd be hard to regain control of the ship.

I sighed, my cell was dank. I was used to warmth and the sun on my face. I'd shared the last of my bread with rat on the floor. That had been two days ago. They really thought they'd break me with starvation but I'd never give up our routes and hopefully none of my more cowardly crew would if they were captured.

"Psst y/n," I heard a voice from the dark.

"Nope, not following another one of your lame attempts to lure me into giving you information," I snarled. They'd tried to pretend to be my crew mates. They hadn't made it far when I'd yanked them towards the bars and snatched their hood off.

"No, it's me," said a voice I knew. A poison green hood was pulled down.

"The French Viper," I gasped.

"Oh come on," he said with a boyish smile. "You know me well enough to call me Timothée."

"Are you coming to rub this in my face?" I demanded. He was high pirate of the Emerald sea, where the water looked deep green. We often crossed paths and fought. We didn't have a true rivalry. When push came to shove I would've never have killed him.

"No, I'm coming to rescue you," he said and got to work on my lock.

"Wait really?" I asked in shocked.

"Yup," he popped the P.

"Alright, I got you," he said and yanked the door open.

"Come on," he said. I stopped for a second and turned back and grabbed up the little rat I'd been feeding.

"Really?" He scoffed.

"His name is Pumpkin," I said. "He's my friend."

"Oh for fuck's sake, come on!" He ordered and took my hand. I let him and we were running through the maze of the jail.

"Halt!" Called a pair of guards. Timothée grinned and they were swiped off their feet in seconds. However, we heard the footsteps of more soldiers.

"Come on," he bellowed and we were running. We burst out into the sun but I heard clanking armor. Thank God both our ships were docked.

"You marvelous bastard," I cried. The noises were louder.

We needed to go but Timothée grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips. I sighed into his lips. They were soft despite the time in the sun.

"We better move," he smirked and ran off to his ship. I was grabbed by a guard and kicked back harshly. I ran to my ship and climbed the rope ladder and swung onto the ship.

"You owe me!" Timothée called as he pushed off.

"You wish Chalamet!" I called back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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