Our Two Promises! (A Monkie Kid OneShot)

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(Parallel version to: 'The King and The Warrior', 'The Sun and The Moon'. Enjoy! ^w^)

"We're in this together!"

The lights of the city twinkled like the diamond in the sky during the night.

It was a blissful evening, one that the boy shared with a special person.

"Hey Mei-" He turned around to see he's friend livestreaming...


"Oh! I forgot to mention guys but my best bud MK is with me here!" Mei wrapped her arms around MK's shoulder, showing him to the viewers, "I was just showing them this lovely view of the city from up here!"

"Oh, that's great."

"Anyway, that's all for today guys! Mei out!" She said as she puts her phone away.

The two then laid down the ground, now facing the dark sky filled with stars. His feelings were growing for her each day.

"Hey Mei...?"


He wanted to tell her the L word, but instead he said, "thanks for being my friend Mei."

"No worries MK. We'll be together 'til we grow old!"

"Promise?" MK stared at her, and she too stared back.

"Promise." She smiled as her pinkie intertwined with his.

"Sooo... Mei.."


"MEI!" MK cried out as he ran towards her, checking if she was alright. She wasn't. After all she was slashed by Azure Lion. She took the hit for him when MK grabbed Wukong.

"Cover them!" One of MK's friends yelled, he was too preoccupied to know who said it.

At that moment, the world around MK was blurred out.

"No no no no no... You're going to be fine Mei. We're going to take you to the hospital, and and..."

"MK... I'm losing a lot of blood; I won't make it.

She placed her hand on top of MK's hands that were stopping the bleeding.

As the two silently followed the Buddhist Monk, Mei then said: "I soo can't wait to get out of here! I miss my phone."

MK judgingly raised his brow, "wow Mei."

"Don't look at me like that."

"Ok. Well... When we finish this mission, we can go to the arcade, play a lot of games and have a lot of snacks while we play. Then we can go to my place and re-watch the entire seasons of Monkey King's Adventures until we pass out. Just like always."

Mei warmly smiled at MK, "that sounds great MK."

Tears were falling down nonstop.

"MK, listen. Cough. Promise me you won't do it."

"M-mei," MK sobbed.

"Promise me you won't kill him. Please."

"I p-promise."

"Thank you... I love you guys." Mei gave them her warm, cheeky grin.

"Mei, I-I love you too.. Mei?" MK touched her cheek. It was cold. Maybe that's why her skin was pale...

She's gone.


Something snapped inside MK.

"Azure." MK uttered with an unfamiliar tone which sent down chills to everyone causing them to pause.


"She's gone because of HIM!" MK yelled at his friends.

Without warning, MK went for the strike.

The dark aura surrounded him, and he couldn't stop.

Hit after hit.

Blood staining the floor.

It was pure madness.

"YOU KILLED HER!" was the sentence that kept repeating from MK's mouth over and over as they battled.

Insanity brought him to this state.

His injured friends watched as the red liquid spread and flooded the area.

MK stood there, panting as the fight ended.

He stared deeply at his enemies laying down the ground covered in blood. His reverted his focus onto his hands. It was also covered in blood, except it wasn't his.

A laughter broke out from his throat.

He gripped his head and clutches hi stomach, "sorry Mei. I just couldn't help myself~"

He laughed and laughed and laughed, until his eyes shed a tear.

That's not funny.

S  o       w  h  y       c  o  u  l  d  n  '  t       h  e       s  t  o  p       l  a  u  g  h  i  n  g  .  .  .  ?

Monkie Kid, the young hero with scarlet red staining his entire clothes and body.

The hero who brings justice to the people.

Even if it means breaking promises and killing the bad guys~

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