All I Want Is Your Time!!! (A Monkie Kid OneShot)

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(Goldendragon. Insecurity flooded MK's thoughts. Mei breaks it those thoughts down. Redboi is the problem and one of MK's insecurity.)

Ring. Ring. Ring.

A hand appeared out from the bed's blanket and answered the caller.

The girl yawned, "hey redboi."

She slowly moved herself out from the bed.

"Yep. Don't worry I haven't forgotten."

She then quickly changed into her clothes; briefly glancing at the time – which was 7:00 AM.

"I'll be there soon. See you then redboi!" She giggled before hanging up.

The girl quietly reached for the keys, but unfortunately it fell down on the floor and had made quite a noise during her attempt to catch it.

A grumbled was uttered from the bed; disturbed from the sound her keys made again after she picked it up.

She froze when the pair of eyes fixed its gaze on her.

A few seconds has passed by, and the boy's mind finally caught up to what was going on.

"Are you going somewhere Mei?" The boy asked.

"Sorry MK... I'm going to hang with redboi today," Mei said.

"Again?" He frowned as he sat up.


She gently bit her bottom lip as her eyes fleeted on his bare upper body which was exposed when he sat up. All that hero stuff they've been doing has really made him fit. His muscles are more defined in contrast to when he first started.

"Can't you stay just a bit longer?"

"I wish I could but-"

"He's not your boyfriend." Mei flinched when he said it.

"Of course not. Your-"

"Your spending way too much time with him," he crossed his arms. It made her feel uneasy.

"Redboi needs me. You know that redboi-"

"UGH! Redboi this, redboi that. Redboi, redboi, redboi!! It's always about redboi these days! We've only just started hanging out again! I need you Mei. Red Son can wait!" His body glitched into gold before making his monkey form stay on. "I... Am I not that important to you anymore?"

"MK..." Mei sat on the bed and placed her palm on his arm. "You're still my number one... and that will never change. You should know that."

MK rubbed his neck, "sorry I snapped at you... It's just that... You.. Red.. hanging out together... Just makes me question myself – that you're better off with him than with me-"

She pinched his arm.

"Ow! What's that for?!??"

Mei held out her hands and squished the sides of his face. "Dummy! You are the one I chose. You are the one I think of every day. You are the one I love the most. You... I'm yours. Like shesh! So jelly these days!" She giggled.

"I just can't help it... Not when all the guys are falling for you. Kinda wished you weren't so... beautiful."

Mei gave him a weird look. She wasn't sure whether that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult.

"You have yourself shared to the online world! Someone could be burning your image into their retinas right now!"

"Uh that's a bit extreme MK."

"I know..."


"You might change your mind."

"About what?"

"About me."

"MK... I won't."

"How can I be sure that you won't fall for someone else? How can I be sure that you won't look at someone other than me? How can I be sure that you won't leave me for another? How can I be sure that you will always stay by my side? How can I be sure that you will love me forever? Tell me Mei. I-I need to know!"



"I-I don't know... Forever seems like a long time." She sheepishly chuckled.

"Would you still love me if I'm dead?"


MK stood still, speechless. Her quick reply, greatly disturbed him. He knew that if he asks her who, he will be hurt from her answer. Yet he still asked.

"Who would you love then?"

"Our child."

The monkey boy tightly pulled her into a hug. Her raven hair soaked from his tears.

"Okay... I'll stay for a few minutes," Mei patted his back.

He gently pulled away from her; making eye contact.

"Are you sure?"

She smiled, "yes."

MK pinned her down on the bed, moving some bits of her hair that's covering her face.

He was lost in her eyes. She was lost in his eyes.

"I need more than a few minutes."

Just as she was about to open her mouth, her phone decided to break the moment – ringing loudly from her pocket.

She checks who is calling her.

Red Son.

Mei sighed, shutting her phone down and placed it on the bedside table.

"You're not going to answer it?" MK asked, confusion planted itself on his face.

"Nope. Redboi can wait," she cheekily grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

Their faces merely inches apart from one another.

Breathing heavily, he said to her: "do you, uh, are you sure you want to do it again?"

She quietly stared at him for a whole second.

"Yes MK. I want to do it again. Do you want to do it again?"

"I do."

Then they sealed it off with a kiss.

(Yeah... Dragonfruit and Goldendragon are at war inside my mind right now. Still experiencing writer's block - which is concerning. Since I have to publish a chapter for ITL this month ToT . Thank you for reading!)

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