Home Was A Pen

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He really felt like an interloper here. The events were horrific yes, but he didn't feel any emotional attachment to that place other than the panic shared by everybody there. His face clearly didn't show much emotions aside from panic and fear. If you look closely at the others, you can see that they are absolutely devastated.

"I guess it still fits my backstory." He needs to make his cover convincing, these people are still in the early renaissance era. They would probably consider him a witch or something unholy like that if they found out he was from another world.

The others are sulking, he decided not to say anything yet. They just lost their homes and loved ones to the titans, they need time to process all of this information.

(30 minute later)

After thirty minutes of the silent ride he finally thought that he waited long enough. Throughout the trip he has been thinking about what to say. Now he has the perfect question to ask them.

"Now what?" He questioned, he'll need to see what he should do from their response. If they still want to be scouts he'll follow them. If they want to live safely somewhere within the walls he will join them.

He feels a new sense of loyalty to those people he just met, because they're his friends now. Eren seemed shocked for a moment, seemingly offended by him asking but soon realised he was being serious.

When the rage seeped out of him Eren seemed to stop and think for a moment. His face scrunched up as he tried to figure out what to say next. He decided to take this opportunity to probe further.

"What would you do now? Do you still want to join the scout regiment after seeing that?" I questioned, trying to sound scared with a hint of desperation and a teaspoon of genuine care.

This is the formula he has concocted over the span of his life in the old world. He can still remember the method. He just didn't recognize who he used it on. It is the perfect tone to invoke thoughts. The perfect tone for a perfect rhetorical question. He needs to know his new friends opinions before moving on so this is the best way to do so.

"Of course! After what those titans did! I'll avenge them, mom and everyone else in shiganshina. I'll drive them all out! I'll kill every last one of them!" Eren's eyes seemed to change. It terrified him slightly but the truth in his voice is heavy.

"Well then Eren, I'll go with you. After all, we want to see the sea right?" He smiled at eren, trying to radiate as much friendliness as possible. He couldn't possibly understand the pain but he tries to sympathize nonetheless. Something about Eren just makes his heart flutter, he felt the need to protect.

The fierceness melted from Eren's face. He broke down in tears as he sulked down onto the ground. 

"Don't worry, we will all go to the sea together....."

They stayed in quite for a while. It was unusually quiet. The silence is only broken by the occasional whir of machinery and the sound of a few refugees talking. He stared down at the water below them. It was crystal clear, you can see all the way to the bottom.

Sigh, I want to go for a swim. 

Wait what? Why does he feel like that? At a moment like this! These feel like rouge thoughts just entering his head. As if someone else is influencing his mind.

All of a sudden a large shadow was cast overhead. He looked up to see another set of walls. It seems they have arrived at wall rose. There was a gate similar in appearance to a water gate in the servers. He was awestruck when the gates opened up.

The cell bars lifted allowing the boat to go through. He saw multiple other similar boats already waiting at the harbour.

They quickly disembarked the ship. Following the scurrying horde of people moving further into the walls. Apparently they were in the trost district.

"Guys i still don't know much about the outside. When can we enlist and where would we go now?"

I asked similar questions over the course of the small trek. Time flew by pretty quickly and soon we reached the refugee camp.

Armin's grandpa decided to go check something out while we went to sleep. While laying down on the ground he pondered what will happen next. He thought about the titans and the horrors he saw that day. Why? Why did he remembered the names of the colossal titan and the armoured titan specifically.

He racked his brain trying to remember any piece of information but he didn't remember much. He should just focus on the task of survival. He looked to his friends who were already fast asleep.

There's no one awake left in the farm so he decided to take the risk of bringing out his phone. The battery is still there but he has no way of charging it. It's going to turn into a useless piece of metal soon but at least it has sediments value. He still won't risk bringing it around much though. Once they find a less temporary shelter he will just keep his phone there,

For now he will enjoy the remaining battery. He accessed his photo album but found that everything had been wiped. Damn it! Why is this happening? Why can't he get to see anything about his past?

He checked through everything. His notes, his games, even his search history but nothing came up. The entire phone has been wiped clean. The only clue he has about his past are the apps themselves but they don't reveal much.

In his frustration he accidentally threw the phone on the ground. This awakened Armin who slept next to him.


"Marty, what's this thing?" he asked drowsily, slowly reaching out to grab it.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" I screamed out. Reaching for it and shutting it before Armin can see much.

"Geez Marty I'm sorry." He seemed appalled by my demeanour. This woke up Eren and Mikasa as well.

"What's going on?" Eren asked, rubbing his eyes.

He quickly stashed his phone in his pocket again and acted defensively.

"Don't you dare try to touch it again Armin, I swear I will break your arm off if you do ."

Armin seemed complelty petrified. His face was full of shock and regret. He saw Eren and Mikasa just looking at him. They're probably wondering what's going on. Still his fury against Armin is too great to be suppressed now.

"This is the only thing I have that connected me to my the past! My entire life up until now is signified by that thing!"

Armin is completely taken aback while the other two just looked on with a puzzled expression.

"I can't go back now, I lost my home, my parents, no matter what I still love them!"

With that he broke down in tears, he finally processed all the things that happened. He won't ever go back now. His parents his whole life is gone forever. Now he's trapped in this hell.

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