The Titan Experiments

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(This is a long one)

He woke up the two days later in a scout regiment castle. He was dazed and confused. Was he a titan earlier? He forgot most of what transpired earlier but at least it's slowly flowing back to him. He felt so....cold.... His lungs and insides felt like they were freezing. His limbs seems to have also grown back as well, and it seems his rib injury has also healed, maybe the titan powers allow him to recover even decapitated limbs.

There's plenty of water on the bed stand and he drank all of it. He's hungry again. Just then he heard the clanking of keys. The door was unlocked and a kind looking lady with orange hair came in.

"Oh! You're awake! Here enjoy the food! I'll get the commanders!" She practically threw the tray to him before dashing out of the room. He looked at the bowl of hot soup. Welp, this won't ever be as good as titan flesh but it'll do.

He began civilly taking in his food before realising how hungry he actually was. He dropped the spoon and began wolfing down the rest of the bowl. It wasn't good but it was so fulfilling. The warmth spread through this body, warming his insides and melting the ice in his lungs.

"Welcome to the scout regiment castle." Someone in the back ground spoke, his voice sounded calm and collected, but his presence was quite overwhelming. He looked up from his bowl to see that the commander was the one talking to him. He took a glance and in the doorframe was a tall handsome man, with golden hair and sharp blue eyes, his face was commanding and intimidating. This is commander Erwin!

He quickly put down the bowl, wiped his face and gave his salute. "It is an honour to be in your presence sir!" He didn't know how commander Erwin would react but he knew that usually this would be the best response.

"At ease soldier, we are here to discuss your custody within the scout regiment. Fortunately we were able to make your case without you even being conscious. I shall explain the situation." He simply nodded as a reply. Hopefully it won't involve him being executed or tortured. Although him being relatively untouched so far would suggest that he won't be.

"You will be under constant surveillance issued by the section commander, fortunately you have already proven that you don't eat humans, only titans, so we do not need to put you in court. You're belongings have been transported as well as the box, cadet Eren Yeager has already informed us of it's importance to you. You will participate in titan experiments along with Eren Jaeger, and you will help the scout regiment retake wall Maria!" Commander Erwin emphasised the last part. He was so internally happy that they brought his phone, he didn't know how he would go get it in his current state of servellaince.

"Also, you were extremely lucky. You see, there is a traitor amongst us. Just the morning after we retrieved you the titan captive was killed. The traitor clearly had a the goal of sabotaging us. Whoever it is likely wanted to kill you to halt our progress."

He nodded to Erwin but he was shocked. Why would anyone want to go that? He couldn't think of a good reason. These humans in the walls are dying as it is already. Why would anyone want to stop the scouts from gathering more information.

"Yes sir! I will serve to the best of my abilities!" He shouted, affirming his stance as a soldier. With that, Erwin was about to leave when he asked something else.

"I know it's not my place but could I possibly be serving under commander Hanji's research squad? I have ideas to further our technology in fighting the titans."

"You are given permission, commander Hanji is in charge of you anyways."

"Yay, another one join the science team, which makes you and shitty goggles." Levi sighed, this is the first time he heard Levi talk and his voice gave him chills. That man is a cold blooded killer, good thing he's on their side.

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