Booze And Traditions

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(The canonicity of this chapter is questionable, but like it's fine, it's a fluff chapter)

"Oh Historia! Ymir! Didn't expect to see you there." Eren commented.

"Did we just walk around in a circle?" Jean sighed.

"That's impossible the district isn't built like that, we've been moving." Mikasa responded.

"Well turns out the HQ is a bit busy, so we've decided to join you! Although I won't be drinking." Historia smiled.

"I told you Historia, you can drink as much as you want, I'll carry you back." Ymir told the small queen who just looked content.

"It's fine Ymir, you've always protected me! Let me return the favor! Today you can enjoy yourself!" Historia beamed back.

Yeah he thinks those two were definitely together.

"Well it shouldn't be too far now, let's move everyone!" He clapped.

The group continued on for a few minutes in the dimly lit streets of Trost. Holes and cracked concrete was still below them. Buildings had holes in them from ODM usage, and roofs were broken from titan attacks.  Trost had recovered but the damage was still there.

A few more minutes passed by as the group continued to travel. Finally coming up to the bar he was talking about. The reason he chose it was due to its policy of allowing private rooms.

Filtering in one by one it was immediately noticeable that the place was wild. People drinking to their heart's content. Drunks shouting loudly, hurling insults at each other. Truly the wild energy of a place they would have never even been close to if they were in the modern world.

"Just follow me." He smiled, walking through the chaotic scene.

Crowds of garrison and Police along with many civilians gathered around multiple round tables. Drunk and confused, all blabbering about. A few were harassing women and more were fighting. Luckily for them they were ignored and made it across safely into the less crowded zones. It was truly unusual that, with their completely unique clothing no one messed with them.

He looked around for a bit. The others behind him. Finally he come across someone who looked to have some authority.

"Ah, are you the manager?" He asked, a well kempt man who as far as he knew looked sober.

"Hm, who are you brats." The man shouted quite rudely. Scanning all of them up and down. 

"Hi, I booked a reservation for room 3." He responded, ignoring the earlier rudeness.

"Pay up then."

"Alright, do we need to get it from somewhere or will the waiters bring it to us?" He asked, paying the price of 27 Silver. Roughly 25 or so dollars. Quite expensive, but he was sure they would be given service.

"Hm good, just wait, I'll send someone over." The man nodded, waving hem off.

Together they made it into the room, it was a little cramped but the privacy is worth it. He was perfectly content with snuggling right into Eren.

"Man, you're using up a lot of money today." Jean remarked.

"Yep, we won't get a break like this again in a long time, and if we don't make it over the mission then we're done for. So consider this my treat, we could have something like this again after the reclamation of wall Maria." He explained, taking a seat right next to Eren.

"Don't worry, I'll do it guys...I'll seal the wall! That's a promise! We'll do this again after the we take back the wall." Eren promised, a determined look painted across the teen's face.

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