The Stallion and the Colossus

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(Here it is. The JeArmin chapter)


"Jean...I'm sorry, we have to break up." 

Those words have been echoing in his minds for days. It was like a wave crashing over him, shattering all hope he had. He wanted to celebrate their victory in Shiganshina with her...but now everything is ruined.

Before Marty's stupid drinking ritual happens again he wanted to have a date alone with Mikasa. Now he was just waiting for the sweet release of everyone in the party comforting him. He couldn't wait...Eren must be so satisfied knowing he messed up his relationship with the Ackerman.

Now he just took the easy way out that his other Oriental friend recommended to him.

He's just a drunk officer in a bar, drinking away the love of his life breaking up with him. Alone in a dingy bar in Trost, spending all of his money on the hardest liquor he could find. Tuning out all that is going on around him, just wasting away in the corner. Most of the people come and go, just ignoring his prescense.

It's been two days now of drinking...He's starting to hallucinate...Why would Armin be in this dingy bar?

"Jean? Is that you?" The figure approached him, taking a seat right beside him.

"Good, another hallucination. Have you come to mock me? Fake Armin?" He mumbled, the figure patting his back softly.

"Jean, you're very drunk...Is there anything i can help you with? I'm worried, the section commander sent me over to check on you."

The Armin figure seemed very convincing, the feeling of a soft hand against his back very real. He felt weirdly comforted by it. Taking another swig of alcohol he turned to the figure. Those bright blue eyes shining with concern.

"Tell him I'm fiinnnee." He said as he stood up. Agitated, what does that tall bastard want? He sent him to a bar and then sent Armin to come collect him right afterwards.

"You're not Jean, slow down. You'll collapse at this rate!" The hallucination rose up, cutely trying to stop him. 

"Stop bothering meee I'm fine." He waved angrily, walking out of the bar. He was fine. what was the hallucination talking about!


Jean was decidedly not fine. A few steps out of the bar Jean collapsed, forcing him to drag him back to somewhere. He had always been weak and the taller boy was not easy to carry. All of his muscles from training weighed him down so much that he couldn't drag him far.

With quick thinking he decided to bring the man into a nearby alley first. He needed to rest but he couldn't exactly put Jean out on the streets...He's too precious for that. 

With a long sigh Armin finally laid Jean up against a wall in the alleyway, settling down next to the drunken boy while trying to catch his own breath. Looking to his side, Jean was fast asleep. The taller teen's face flushed from all of his drinking. His mouth still wet...glistening with the fluid...

Armin was suddenly swarmed with unholy thoughts at the sight. 'He's asleep after all, if you just took a little kiss he would never know.' He thought to himself, slowly maneuvering himself over the man's legs. On all fours he contemplated the act and in the end...he managed to stop himself first. He was lost to lust for a moment but he knew it was wrong.

He had wanted Jean to himself for a while now...but it's not right to take advantage of him like this. Not right after he broke up with Mikasa, and not while he's asleep. No without his consent.

Unfortunately even when he had decided to do the right thing fate wouldn't have it that way.

Jean opened his eyes right at the wrong moment. Brown eyes gazing lazily at his face. He couldn't help but blush at the situation and Jean just have him a sleazy smile. Arrogant and cocky just the way he fantasized about.

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