Heat (Smut ) Eren Top

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After a long day of work he returned to his home in Trost, nowadays they are faced with more bureaucratic problems than military related ones. The preparations for the expedition is coupled with the rapid industrialization of the walls. 

He is now held as "The single most value industrial tool." With mastering hardening extremely quickly he was sent to more useful assignments. His titan was used to connect the rail roads between all districts, every single one of them. The trip was nearly two weeks long and he was exhausted with only a few breaks in between. Although he has mostly physically recovered thanks to his titan, he's still mentally exhausted.

At least they are letting him go back to his home for the day, Eren would be coming soon as well. He missed the regular nightly sessions they used to have. After taking a cold shower he headed to the little corner which he uses to work. Attempting to finish his paper work, ever since being promoted there has just been more and more work.

The amount was overwhelming to say the least, he probably won't finish for a very long time....


Suddenly an explosion of heat flared up inside his chest.  The feeling was so sudden he instinctively stood up and retreated multiple steps, clutching at his chest tightly. He quickly retreated into the corner of his room, right up against their bed.

"Hah~ what the fuck!" He swore out loud, next was an irresistible burst of pleasure, he could feel his legs grow weak and in the span of a few seconds his resistance faltered. He collapsed, landing onto his bed with a loud thud.

Blood rushed to his groin with the constant pulsating pleasure coursing through his body. He started to moan and writhe on the sheets, the heat increasing constantly. His hands reached out for anything to grab, ending up bunching fistfuls of the sheets in his grip.

"A-ah~!" It's just like the time he was drugged, his body yearned to be dominated, ripples of heat washing over his body. "What in the Omegaver- Gah~!" 

That's it...fuck

He's probably in heat. This is some omega verse shit that got applied after he was sent to this world. It is the only conclusion that he could come up with, the many fan fiction would point towards it. 

In the distance he heard a little girl laughing.

Fuck, if this was the case then his thoughts will spiral really fast, he needs to get Eren here soon or he would suffer. He prayed that no one would pass by, if so they would see him in such an undignified state. Plus, he was sure Eren would be jealous as hell, sex with someone else was the one kinky sex thing Eren claimed to never want to take part in.

It was so hot, he searing heat almost as unbearable as it was in his titan form's last moments. He quickly tore off the white buttoned up shirt he previously had and hastily casted it off to the side of the bed. Even still it was too much, far too much to bear. He felt like his brain was slowly melting, his thoughts growing more scattered and irrational.

Writhing painfully he managed to wriggle out of his pants, also discarding it onto the same pile as before. His arch backed into the bed frame while more high pitched noises he didn't know he could make slipped out from his lips. 

Just then he heard the door slam open,  Eren bursting into the room with a large smile on his face. "You're back...oh...already?" The boy questioned, seeing his undignified state on their bed. 

"Shut up. I-hah~ need you." He managed out, the feeling continuing to gnaw at his insides, making his feet curl as he continued to struggle.

"Wait am I actually getting to be on top this time?" Eren questioned but had already dutifully began unbuttoning his own shirt and making his way to him.

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