The Basement

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(This is a short one, also Yipeee!!! 4k, can't believe people are still following this long ass story. For your knowledge 'I forgot if i already wrote this or not'  IF THERE are parts you don't like you can just skip it, usually there is a chapter recap. Also on another note, Raid on Liberio is one of the best arcs I'll write so something to look forward to!)

The five of them landed in a part of the district that seemed relatively undamaged by the fight. Even still the pavement was cracked and many houses lay in ruin. It would be unfortunate if Eren's house was indeed destroyed during the chaos of it all.

The city is completely silent save for the sounds of their footsteps as they ventured into the ghost town. The old hanging signs crinkling in the wind. He wanted to sing something but felt it would be out of place and maybe somewhat inappropriate.

"I think there might be a route, let me go ahead and check with him first." Eren signaled to the rest of the group, taking his hand and rushing off without permission.

With a yelp he was surprised by Eren's aggressiveness. Being dragged into a nearby alley and pinned against the wall. The teen's intense green stare boring right into his soul.

"What the fuck Eren?" He shuddered a little at the gaze. This time having his cheeks turned red and his body flustered for a change. 

"What were you doing with Armin?" Eren questioned, voice dropping dangerously low. Coming out  more like a growl than words. 

That voice turned him the fuck on.

"I wasn't doing anything Eren..." He gasped as the boy aggressively pinned him even harder, to the point of a little pain. His face inching just mere centimeters away from him.

"Liar, you had him in your arms, you let him snuggle into you." The boy bared his teeth, possessively gripping his collar.

"I was just comforting him Eren, it's my duty as the big brother of our now very small group." He tried to explain but his partner doesn't seem convinced.

He decided, fuck it. He would just prove it to the  boy. With that, he leaned in to kiss Eren, catching him off guard. Their lips made contact and he leaned into it, his boyfriend soon reciprocating. 

His lips were not very soft, as would be expected of a man. However, his taste was strong and he indulged himself in it. This time Eren didn't let him takeover though, unlike usual he continued to be pinned against the wall. His partner nonverbally asking for permission into his mouth which he eagerly accepted. Giving up control and letting his boyfriend explore the insides of his mouth.

By the time they were done the boy's mood completely lifted and he instead went in to hug him. "So apology accepted?" He questioned with a huff to which Eren glared up at him.

"That was a dirty move you know?" 

"Fine, i guess i did manipulate your baser instincts into forgiving me...I did it out of love though, so technically it isn't one of my usual manipulation tactics." He surrendered, both arms in the air at the accusation.

"Come on let's go, lucky for us I was smart enough to run all the way here. Plus, we probably shouldn't make out right after such a tragedy occurred." 

"Oh yeah, where did my manners go. I guess i'm just relieved you made it out Eren. To me you are the most important."

"Me too, but still....sometimes we shouldn't let our emotions get in the way of our mission."

"Sometimes i forget you're still growing. That's going to bite you in the ass though, imma use it on you later." He threatened seriously as they went back into the open streets.

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