Birth of the Devil

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(A few hours later)

The meeting has been going on for quite some time now but he didn't have it in him to listen. Whatever had been going on is just a repeat of what they found out already. The founding titan's condition and the vow renouncing war is the only things they haven't found out earlier but he already knew about everything.

The evening light filtered into the busy rooms as debates and arguments over the future unfolded. Of which he knew about already. The wooden desks and padded chairs were all familiar to a degree.

"IT CAN'T BE!" Eren shouted, banging the table and he rose up. The dialogue sending him tumbling out of his foggied state as he was pulled back into reality. Even then he has seen this line before...he should just help the poor boy out.

"What was scared me.." Hanji looked back at the founding titan.

"Just now..." Eren stuttered.

"Please continue, our Titan." Zachary the general he hadn't met before but knew ordered to the teen.

Eren then looked around at them before his eyes landed on him. He gave a little signal with the nod of his head to reassure him. "It's nothing." Eren said with some confidence, in hope that he would help out.

"What?" Levi questioned gruffly.

"Sorry for interrupting the meeting." Eren sighed, sitting back down before glaring at him for support. His expression was one of morbid realisation. He doesn't exactly remember what the guy saw but, it must be pretty bad. Maybe later tonight he'll talk about all the memories in bed with his partner, that way they might be able to put the pieces together.

"I'm sorry everyone, I gave him a hint of when I'm planning to propose to him, I think he just realized." He spoke up amongst the awkward silence. Immediately giving a solid resolution to anyone questioning the bizarre act.

"I see...Delivering on that promise you made, I guess those two are just at the age to get married.." Hanji concluded. Eren giving him a glare of 'Good save' but also shooting him a glare to signified that he was embarrassed.

"Ah I see, they're at that age...As long as it doesn't interrupt your duty you will be allowed to proceed with it." The premier Zachary responded, and ruffled his beard. Looking right at him to which he bowed in thanks.

"So Eren...who do you think will be the bride or the groom. Since you're both men, maybe you'll be the one in a bridal dress." Armin teased to which Eren sunk into the chair in embarrassment. A few beside him chuckling at the thought.

Just then he finally remembered what had made Eren act up like that. He realized that the smiling titan, whoever she was, was a royal blood titan. Which is the reason Eren was able to trigger his powers. 

He must have been trying to protect the knowledge that the trigger must be a royal blooded titan. So that Historia won't be turned into one, already playing into that promise he made with Historia. He knew that after some explanation Eren would comply to fulfilling Ymir's request.

The meeting then continued for a bit as he strategized their course of action. If they would really go through with the rumbling then he would have to convince Eren to finish the job. Or he would have to personally destroy any way that the alliance could defeat them..

There's so many options but all of them have so many liabilities. Maybe he should just prevent the alliance from managing to reach him and Eren in the future. He continued to plan out multiple scenarios in his head. Trying to predict what would happen if he put different combinations of events to fall in place.

He has the power to throw the entire timeline off course with just a few different manipulations but the ending wouldn't satisfy him. The best plan he had was to keep progressing with the industrialization of Paradis, then personally eliminate all of the world's fleets, keeping the island almost untouchable from the enemy.

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