The Demon Of Trost

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(Random Military police)

"There they are, the targets are secured." He announced to his partner as they observed from atop the roof.

"By the way.....doesn't it seem unusually quiet?" He commented before a gun shot was heard.

Looking to his right, his spine froze at the sight.

His partner was dead, head split open by one of their Military shotguns. He heard the sound of the gun reloading, a chilling clank on the floor.

Looking up from the corpse stood a boy, one of them. What's wrong with his face? He had half of his face gone. Blood stained his scout uniform, as his glowing blue eye pierced into his soul.

"What are you? Get away from me you Demon!"

"Sure....I like that nickname...."

(Pov Switch OC)

He fired the gun into that frozen man. If he had taken the shot he would have been done for. But then again, those guys weren't supposed to kill him. The only reason his body count so far was so high is because of their hesitation, if it weren't for that he must have been dead dead.

Eleven down.......

Demon huh? What a cool nickname.......The Demon of Trost? Is that going to be his serial killer name? At least it would be interesting to be called that for a while.

He quickly stole the ammunition from the MP before heading off. Reloading his gun while swinging to the intended target, the gate. He looked below to the terrified faces of civilians, they definelty caught the name, he might get in trouble.

After passing through more groups of terrified civilians he spotted another pair of soldiers.

Hooking on to one of them he boosted himself forward.

"What the-" The other Police shouted before turning to him, but hesitated to fire because of a mix of fear at the sight of him, who was supposed to be dead, and the fact that he wasn't supposed to be killed as a target. His arm has now fully healed, his combat effectiveness would be significantly better now with both guns at the ready.

Before the man could muster the courage to fire he finished him off. Firing his right gun into the man's head, completely blowing it up. After his kill he quickly landed on the roof and scanned for more targets, before double tapping the person he hooked just to make sure they stay down.

Thirteen..... He made a mental note to himself. 

He quickly reloaded with the corpe's ammo before moving on his way. He has six shots left, gotta make it count.

He's getting closer to the wall. Quickly spotting Ymir's jaw titan engaging a different Military police brigade.

He hasn't healed enough to transform yet, he needs a bit more time, once his skull is complete he should be able to do so. He's completely covered head to toe in blood anyways, so he has sufficient water nonetheless.

"What happened to you!" Armin suddenly shouted to him from a nearby house. Hearing Armin his vision returned to normal. Something akin to a rage mode turning off.

"Armin! I got shot! Don't worry my titan regeneration is taking care of it! What's the situation." He responded hooking near Armin so they won't expose themselves too much.

"Ymir and Levi is fighting an entire brigade. The rest of us are fighting the Military police reinforcements! You need to transform to help them!" Armin pleaded.

"Sorry I can't! My titan regeneration is taking too much energy away. I need my head to heal properly before I'm able to transform." He responded quickly, preparing to go engage the reinforcements as a human.

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