The Morning After

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During the night he had a dream, a wonderful dream, of a future, where he and Eren could enjoy peace. He saw a house, by the sea, filled with things from far away. Relics like fish scales, shells, and pieces of broken down ships.

They're little house had a garden, and a ranch next to it, filled with cattle and sheep. They're little house is surrounded by his steep ice walls. They made a little cove to see the ocean. There were also other people living with them, Ymir, Krista, Reiner, and two more people he did not recognize. 

There was a tall, blonde bearded man with glasses who claimed to be Eren's half brother, and a small woman with long black hair who liked to crawl on all fours.

 Eren seemed to have grown up as well, his hair is now tied in a bun which he found was very attractive, and he is taller than him now, only by a bit though.

Eren smiled a lot more, he seemed content with life. Although he also carried a saddened expression underneath, something about ending the eldian race, he didn't really understand.

As his vision blackened and fade, he was released from his long peaceful dream.

He awoke to the most beautiful sight one can behold. He seemed to have passed out right on top of Eren. Their little fornication last night might have been heard. But for all he cares they both might die soon anyways.

Just then he remembered they were still in custody of captian Levi! Now that's fate worse than death! He looked to his boyfriend who was calmly sleeping. He had never seen Eren look so peaceful. Deciding not to interrupt he stealthily went to take a quick bath in Eren's room, going out naked and dirty like this will definitely get him busted.

Stepping into the bath he turned on the primitive faucet. He yelped as the cold water enveloped him, he's going to need to invent an affordable heater next. He could certainly do it given enough time. Just then he remembered that this might be his last morning. How harrowing.

Just then he thought of something, what if he was able to heat up the water? Maybe using titan powers he could manipulate his own body heat. He concentrated like when he created the ice, unfortunately it doesn't work, it seems that his titan form abilities don't affect his human form, with the exception of water making him stronger.

After a few more seconds this changed though, he started to feel neutral again, as if he adapted to the cold. Maybe that's another sea titan ability. It's meant to swim in the cold ocean after all.

Now that he isn't cold he quickly scrubbed off all of the stains from his body. Last night was wild, he didn't expect himself to be this good at sex despite being a virgin. It wasn't awkward at all, he felt pride in that fact. 

All of a sudden he heard the door turning and from that doorframe came Eren! His face seemed so surprised to see him. Eren was holding the door for support, seemingly having trouble walking. 

"Wait what! That wasn't a dream?" Eren shouted, blushing.

He smiled, maybe he went a bit out of character last night, he was probably a bit too rough, Eren seemed to enjoy it though. 

"Eren, you promised me already, no turning back now! You're officially mine!" He chuckled, before continuing, dropping his tone much lower than before. "If you truly knew it was real would you have promised me that?"

"Of course! Silly! I love you!" Eren quickly defended himself, still blushing while saying so.

"Well that's all I wanted to hear!" He cheerfully replied. "Hey Eren, wanna join me?" He said as he patted his lap.

"Eh? I'm not a child anymore I can clean up on my own later. Why would you want me there unless......" Eren stopped mid way before blushing again.

"No it's not like that. It's just a couple's thing you know? We should enjoy the afterglow." He calmly explained, blushing slightly as well, knowing it may be a bit corny.

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