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He smiled softly to himself at the sight of Historia who was Queen, chasing a group of small children.

During the first few weeks that she has been crowned there were some unrest but soon people warmed up to her rule. Now there hasn't been an uproar in two months.

"Isn't this...." Jean spoke up.

"Yes. Not quite the Queen i was expecting"

"And it's only been two months since she was crowned. It seems like she's better suited to run an orphanage."

"Do you know what they call her?"


"The cattle farming goddess."

"So we've finally got a goddess among us. At this rate, no one will remember the chump who plugged up Trost, right?" Jean said with a god awful looking smile.

"One of the reasons Historia became queen was to do this." Eren responded, dodging the insult.

"How admirable really, she's really done a lot to improve the state of the country." He chimed in after a staying silent for a while. "From small children to old people she's been saving everyone left and right and even underground. Even dad supported her."

"When people needs help. She said she'll come to their rescue, no matter who or where." Eren added.

"Also stop being so jealous Jean boy, if those children are able to give respect to a random women who only helped raise them for a few weeks maybe you should start res

"You're slacking again, it's nearly dark." Historia pouted at them.

"Come on my queen, this is my break from all the construction work." He grinned.

"Yeah i guess, you've done a lot too." Historia waved.

"Yeah what the fuck are you doing now anyways? You're just like you're adopted Mom, a mad scientist! What are you cooking up now?" Jean questioned him, clearly having picked up the profanities from him.

"I have just finished establishing the canned food industries, now I'll be improving our air power. I just thought of using ice burst stone to propel something diagonally forward instead of upwards. If we are able to create a flying machine that can move in multiple dimensions quickly it'll be awesome for combat. The only problem is that we won't be able to use it for our mission, but it'll come in handy when we have to fight the enemy from over the sea. According to Ymir they are much more advanced than we are so if we somehow achieve air superiority we will at least be able to be equal with them since we also have quite a lot of titan shifters and more numbers."

"Stop, just stop, you speak too much." Jean shook his head while sighing.

"That's just how quirky I am." He shrugged, smirking slightly.

"I still can't believe you ate Annie......" Armin commented, causing everyone to look at him with fear in their eyes once again.

"I don't want to scare you guys, but man was she delicious." He answered jokingly.

The others seem even more scared now and simply ignored his earlier statement.

"Uh....uh well i see you two's hardening experiments have been going well." Historia remarked.

"Yes. But if we don't hurry, they'll be back." Eren answered before he could speak.

"What would you do? If you met Reiner and Bertholdt and had to face them again?" Historia directed to Eren.

"I've got no other choice but to kill them." Eren answered before realizing his mistake.

"Wrong idiot. We have to capture them and have someone eat them with the titan serum. If we are unable to do so then I guess you're not wrong, however killing them is always secondary." He lectured.

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