The Battle Of Trost (Part 2)

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He was about to question the order when an abnormal 7 metre titan jumped from nowhere. It caught the soldier mid air and and swallowed him whole. His face twisted with horror and disgust, not even thinking about it he made a beeline to the gate. Ducking under the bridges and houses lining the streets.

He heard it right behind him. Every time it lands it destroyed another block of the street. "It's too late..." he thought out loud. He needs to slow it down before it reaches the refugees. In this harrowing moment there came clarity. He had to die to save them, and with that, he swerved right. Further away from the gates and the civilians.

That abnormal is still chasing him, good. He kept luring it to the other side of town. Fortunately he didn't run into any other titans, unfortunately he didn't run into any help either, they either ran away or got wiped out.

He didn't want to die.....but then again......his life was over already....but Eren....he at least wanted to see Eren again......No! Shut up brain! He must survive! He will! He shook his head and focused back on the task at hand. That abnormal is far too abnormal, it's too fast, he needs to lure it away, buy as much time as possible.

After a few minutes of the high stakes chase he got worried, at this rate he'll burn out his gas. If he goes up the wall now it would chase down and kill the refugees. There's no one else defending this flank anymore either. He's completely dry from all the action also. He must be decisive about this.

He decided to finally confront it. Using the canteen of water he poured it forward. Since he's going at such a high speed he collided with the water he just threw. Partially wet now, he felt his body is stronger again.

He turned around to face it when he saw the shadow of it's hand starting to close in on him, it's face smiling deviously, finally catching it's prey. "NOT TODAY!" He shouted spinning like a beyblade. He used his blades to completely cut its fingers before launching himself forward with more gas.

He spun around to its tendons in an attempt to cut it. This one was much faster than the last few titans though and it tuned around. Using his quick thinking he went over its head, sliding over its messy hair, wet with blood. He came crashing down upon its nape, preparing to slice it. What he didn't expect though was for it to jump....

As it jumped straight up he collided with its massive body. He lost all momentum of his ealier attack, everything being replaced by dread. He can feel his ribs shatter at the sheer force of the impact. Before he has anymore time to react it grabbed him. He couldn't even save himself this time, his blades are broken and he didn't have time to reload it....

It's hopeless, he's gonna be eaten.... He screamed for it to stop. For anyone to help him! The titan lifted him into it's mouth, placing him on it's tongue.

"Please don't! NO,NO! LET ME GO! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" He cried as it's horrendous mouth closed in around him, he tried to scamper out but it's teeth clamped on to his arms, cutting it off. He howled in pain as it swallowed him whole.

He's gonna die like this? This is horrible, he only killed a three titans! He just fucking got here! He slid down into its stomach. Its acid juices pooling in, he was on top of a mountain of corpses. He can see the bodies of an entire group of soldiers, they all failed to stop it as well, those guys must have been the remaining soldiers in the right flank. He couldn't even get a final moment of peace in its body since it's jumping all the time, shuffling the corpses around and flipping him. His rib injury made it even more painful.

His legs are all but gone now, melted inside it's disgusting bowels. He can't die here, he doesn't want to die! He wanted to see Eren.....

He doesn't know what to do. As tears started flowing out of his eyes he remembered his dreams, maybe it could be true? Maybe he could transform and get out of here? That's the only thing he can think of, it's mostly wishful thinking though.

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