A Sudden Breach

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Visions, of the sky running red with blood, the screams of hundreds of thousands covered by the sounds of endless footfalls, trampling all that stood in their way, and in the middle of it all is.........

He woke up in a pool of his own sweat, Eren still snuggling securely in his spoon. This nightmare is new but the contents aren't. He felt like it was a glimpse into the bleak future, one where the nightmares truly became reality. Eren's breath was calm, his expression peaceful once again, he decided to not wake his boyfriend up just yet.

He laid Eren down gently, taking a good view of the other two, Mikasa seems to be asleep in her chair while Eren is still huddled up in bed. Wait Mikasa! Why is she here! He didn't want to be rude, the girl deserved the rest but why? Whatever, he's too sleepy to deal with this.

Just then he noticed Eren's eyes flutter open.

"Morning Eren.." he lazily greeted before getting out of bed. Softly rustling the blankets as he stretched.

Eren gave him a loving nod before rising up to watch the windows. Watching the bustling activities of the scouts outside. He began to walk to the door when he heard Eren talking to Mikasa behind him.

"Mikasa........were you watching us sleep together this whole time?" Eren asked. Come on! Eren! I was trying to get away! He thought to himself. 

The girl seemed to be unable to excuse herself, just flushing red with shame. 

"Well whatever the case fell." Eren stated before returning that titular scarf, Mikasa hesitantly accepted it, hiding her face in her arms. 

"You're tired, you should get some sleep." Eren suggested to Mikasa, he watched the interaction, feeling a surge of curiosity. That scarf has always been wrapped around Mikasa, he wondered what the backstory to that was.

"Guys, sorry if it's rude to ask but what's up with that scarf? Mikasa seems to always wear it." Spilling his thoughts.

He didn't get an answer as Armin bursted into the room, doors flying open as he was knocked onto the ground. He looked to see the small boys eyes bulge in their sockets.

"Um sorry....guys! This is bad! Titans are inside wall rose!" Armin practically screamed.

Upon hearing the news he immediately rushed to get geared up. Forgetting all about the morning interaction, shit's going down.

"How far in are they!" He asked hurriedly, strapping on the ODM as fast as he could.

The situation around the castle could only be described as sheer carnage. He rushed to get his gear in place. Strapping on a larger water canteen than ever before, making sure it's more than enough if he ever needs to transform.

"They are all the way through Ragako village, probably closer now!"

A bead of sweat ran down his forehead, as far as his knowledge of the geography went, they would be arriving at the castle in three days. Why now? All of a sudden!

Quickly rushing to the courtyard he arrived to a panicking Hanji.

"Come on quick! We're going to fly!" She ordered, shoving the hesitant Moblit onto the hot air balloon along with many papers.

Looking up to the night sky he can see his hot air balloons as tiny blotches of color. At the sight of the takeoffs he finally knew what a proud scientist feels when their invention is used. He can feel the pride swelling in his chest as four or five completed balloons lifted into the air. The rest of the scouts would go on horseback while the higher ups like Levi Hanji and Erwin would take to the air.

He then heard an resounding order from the commander himself.

"Open the gate! The situation within wall rose is unclear. But everything until Erhmich is safe. We'll save time going through there! We will be locating the breach from the skies! Make sure the evacuation goes smoothly!"

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