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He felt his body get split in half by something, something that struck his abdomen. Luckily he couldn't feel much pain in his titan form, so at most it was like experiencing a stomach ache.

Rolling to his side with half of his body left he watched in horror as a 17 metre titan emerged from the forest, followed by an Army of titans. It had strange features, fur, and darker skin like a monkey. Is this.....the Beast titan?

He watched as it picked up another boulder, breaking it before throwing at the balloons, their only ticket back into the walls. As it made contact he could hear the dreaded screams of their pilots as they turned into a burst of red mist, the gas tank exploding and mixing with their blood.


It continued with it's barrages, decimating their fleet in within the span of a few minutes, it then let out a vicious war cry, allowing the rest of the Titans to follow through. He felt like he was drowning, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

He tried to move but his body wouldn't regenerate, he didn't have enough energy. Damn it! That fucking monkey!

He was so closed, but then his opportunity was snatched away again. He eyed the rapidly regenrating Armoured titan, damn it, there's nothing they could do now.

Realizing the situation was lost he exited his titan, taking a heaving gasp as he released himself from the steaming flesh.

Breathing in as much as possible, he relieved the burning sensation in his lungs. After recovering, he watched the other titans get closer and closer, is this the end? They have no way back......

His body is shrouded in steam, he looked down to see his uniform and ODM gear still intact, but now he needed rescue. The sound of footfalls are like a earthquake has taken place, the titans are closing in rapidly.

He snapped out of his thoughts when Jean quickly scooped him out of his titan, without being prepared for it he nearly fumbled out of the other boy's grasp.

"Jean?" He asked, with a mix of tiredness and fear.

"Yeah it's me we're going to get you out don't you worry." Jean quickly replied before running away from the Armoured titan. Just then, to his horror, the Armoured rose up.

"Am I going to be eaten again?" He asked, shuddering at the thought.

"Not on our watch! Levi squad can handle him." Jean answered with a fake confidence. He saw through the facade immediately though, then Jean did a swerve to a dangerous angle. He almost fell from the boy's grasp.

"Jean I swear if you drop me I will eat you whole." He jokingly threatened. The moment he finished his sentence he heard a loud creak from behind him.

To everyone's surprise the Armoured titan simply picked up Bertholdt and ran for his life. Leaving behind the scouts, with their mouths wide open.

"Soldiers! Fall back to the giant forest! We will hold out for reinforcements!" He heard the commander braking his order, breaking through the silence. He watched as the scouts grappled into the forest one by one.

"Can you stand up on your own?" Jean asked more out of frustration than concern.

"Yeah.....I think." He answered reluctantly, not wanting to let go of a potential lifeboat in case he couldn't actually operate the ODM at full capacity. He's already so tired, being in the titan for even just that long already puts him near the brink of exhaustion, last time when he was inside of one for 4 days he passed out after exiting.

"Jean if I fall please rescue me, your a horse after all, I'm sure you could do it." He snickered as his energy restored slightly. Firing his hooks into a nearby tree he began to swing, now they needed to run, they needed to regroup with Erwin and the other scouts.

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