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(This is the OVA episode)

The training exercise was meant to evoke little distress. Once we were out of the forest we would all return home. That was all that had been planned.... How did they end up in a hostage situation?

(Flash back)

The current exercise for the 104th cadet corps, was to split into two squads, obtain prof that we had arrived at the destination and return to the training grounds. The journey would be 40km in each direction. Thor first squad's leader was Marco, and Armin is the record keeper, sadly for Armin he's going to have to write while on a horse.

Meanwhile the second squad leader was Thomas, and Mikasa was the record keeper both squads left the training grounds simultaneously, and were to proceed along a course through the vast forest, after exchanging information at the destination. They would return back to the training ground.

The goal is to perform a task without danger with a sense of danger.

He remembered Keith commanding them, he explained that it should be completed with the greatest of ease but he told us to stay alert, and to not let boredom take over them, and something along the lines of not getting swept off your feet by peace. He didn't concentrate much on this briefing. Honestly he didn't care for this exercise much, the only thing he really thinks is worth value is riding a horse.

"Does that mean we shouldn't rush either?" Marco questioned.

"If that wears us down then we'd be stupid to rush, Let's take it easy and go slowly." Jean answered

"We don't know how slow, jean if you're taking it easy then I'm going ahead."

"Eren, don't." He warned, using his lecture voice he elaborated. "Eren the point of this exercise is for us to be slow and stay in formation, it is very much a scout regiment exercise, there will be time where there won't be any titans, but when you're outside of the walls, anything could happen. Maybe a titan would pop out of the ground and snatch you within it's jaws." 

He demonstrated, clasping his hand onto Eren's cheeks.

Just then he got a small reaction out of Ymir....hmmm...what could that be about?

"Om nom nom, I get this gorgeous piece  of meat for myself. Like the forbearers before it I shall consume those who are foolish enough to exit the walls, the delicate succulent meat of humans are part of my appetite......More...... And then the abnormal titan kills everyone else in the most horrific of manner!" He shouted, getting too lost in his own role play.

"Well that took a dark turn." Armin commented, he looked to see that most of his comrades are petrified by his simple demonstration, Ymir seems especially shook, he's got to find out about that.

"The squad needs to have order." Marlo added in a much more sane manner than he did, looking at Eren before looking at him as if he's an asylum patient.

"We'll let's keep moving! According to my calculations we'll arrive in just under a day! Back me up Armin!" He cheerfully stated, the others just looks at him with half dead eyes.

After a few minutes of just silent galloping someone decided to speak again.

"Isn't this a little too fast."

"No? You don't have any endurance at all."

"A little complaining won't hurt."

"If only complaining would make time go faster."

"Yes that's true the road is a long one......"

They continued riding in silence for a while, he kept to his own thoughts, until it drifted to murder. If he ever had to kill another human here, the ODM gear would be very useful, he could simply fire the hook into someone's neck or face, and they would die relative quickly.

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