Before the sun set (Smut)

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(This one is a little chapter i don't want to put into the next one because the tone is pretty different)

"Eren, aren't you excited? You're going to go back home soon." He exclaimed, walking alone with his lover down the empty halls of the scout HQ. Most of the people having already set out to the walls, leaving the entire building to be quite desolate.

"I feel cold though...It's weird, I've always wanted to return to Shiganshina but now that it's about to start I'm starting to hesitate it..." The boy said softly, much out of character for his usually hot headed partner.

"Hey, it's fine Eren it's only natural that you're nervous, we don't know what would happen in the future." He smiled gently, sliding his hand in between Eren's own. The both of them finally holding hands in public as they tread down the corridor together.

They were currently headed for the officer's room, he had to get a few things sorted out there before they left. Minor bureaucratic documents he had to fill out. Though he didn't have to yet he used it as an excuse to spend just a little more private time with Eren. Unsure of what would occur.

There was also a noise that came out of the supply closet but he would assume that it was just an outside noise from the leaving balloons.

They both entered the room, Eren standing by the door with a complex expression. The teen seemingly deep in thought about a certain decision, though he wouldn't know what it was. 

He went over to the comfy sofa and sat down on the material, in the same place he usually did and took out a few documents which he spread onto the table. Absentmindedly filling out the forms while Eren watched from the corner.

"We'll meet again, don't know where. Don't know when~" He hummed to himself before halting when all of a sudden he heard a click from the door. 

"Eren?"He questioned suspiciously, having seen a scene like this in BL before but not expecting his boyfriend to actually go through with something like this.

The attack titan didn't reply, only moving forward until they were in the vicinity of one another before pouncing on him, dragging him into a deep embrace. 

"I'm scared...I know what this feeling is now, i don't want to lose you too. I want you to live a long happy life with me, I'm scared that you'll die here." Eren suddenly blurted out, his grasp on him tightening.

"Well isn't that out of character? I'm not going anywhere. Why are you so afraid all of a sudden, you weren't ever scared of us dying when we were going on expeditions before." He asked as Eren propped himself up on his arms, gazing at him with those beautiful emerald eyes. His fists clenching his shirt tightly.

"I don't know how to explain, I felt like...there was a path where this could go wrong. You'll be taken by the enemy, and they'll do horrible things to you." Eren rambled, earning a little chuckle out of him.

"Is your titan's ability to see the future of something? How do you know if anything's gonna go wrong. Even then, you know me better than that. I'm not going to go down easily. It's going to take Erwin giving bad orders to kill me, and that's not happening." He smiled, assuring his partner.

"Fine but...promise me you'll be careful." Eren requested, moving in to kiss him, at first he took it slow, deliberate and loving but soon turning passionate.

"Ahha~ You're really taking over aren't you?" He replied, Eren giving a little smirk, his hands moving from clenching his shirt to unbuttoning it.

"Don't try to distract me, I know your tactics." Eren smiled, fully unbuttoning his shirt and leaving it to the side, exposing his bare chest to the other titan's heat.

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