A scarlet night

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"It is the scarlet night~~ Veiling he da~~rk......You can hide~ your fears~~~~ can lie my dear~~"

He absentmindedly sung as they continued to work. Levi had personally ordered them to clean out the old hut, in hindsight he should have been able to tell that Levi had OCD, the signs were clear. At leas the had developed a pattern of cleaning so that things would go smoother.

He reminisced about their time as cadets, watching as his fellow brothers and sisters in arms return to menial labour. He sighed as he swept the floor. Ensuring that it was spotless, just like what the captain liked.

"Hey guys doesn't this remind you of when we're in the scouts?" He asked cheerfully, taking in the rather peaceful mood. His mere existence pacified Eren for the most part, and all the annoying people are gone, Sasha and Jean both went out for food.

"You're right.......It's just like before......but we're all so grown up now." Eren responded with a faint smile, barely visible under his cleaning mask.

Just then he heard the voices of Jean and Sasha bickering outside the door. He instinctively  he shouted to them with an impression of an Asian parent.

"Don't forget to wipe your feet children!" 

"Fine......." Sasha and Jean both groaned, he heard slight rustling noises before the two entered the hut.

"Can you quit naggin! Are you my dad or something?" Jean bickered at him.

"I might as well be! We won't tolerate that kind of behavior in my household! Jean boy!"He jokingly scolded, earning a uproar of laughs from his comrades.

"We're back." Mikasa stated calmly, walking in with historia and Ymir, both of them holding stacks of wood.

"Wait, were you just chopping firewood?" Armin asked in concern.

"I have to stay in shape." Mikasa responded, dumping her axe into a tool rack he made, while listening in on their conversation he collected the firewood from Krista and Ymir, stacking it into a neat pile.

"You got grabbed by a Titan! You should be in bed." Armin explained, reaching out his small hands to Mikasa.

"Well he got slapped by a Titan and nearly bled out to death how come he's constructing a machine of mass destruction." Mikasa almost innocently responded, pointing a finger to him.

"Mikasaaaaa, he's a Titan, his regeneration is far faster than a normal human." 

This pleasant conversation earned a chuckle out of him.

"I try to stop her, but she win's listen, I saw her doing sit ups earlier." Eren added with a sigh, this seemed to have an effect on Jean though.

"How dare you, you peeping Tom!" Jean shouted.

"How does that constitute "peeping"?" Eren retorted.

"Come on Jean boy, don't say things like that to my wife, he just cares about Mikasa! He doesn't have perverted thoughts about her like you do!" He broke up the fight, making sure to drop his voice down enough so Mikasa can't hear.

"What do you mean?" Jean defended, flustered and blushing.

"Come on Jean it's painfully obvious, also why I am I the wife?" Eren argued.

"Come on Eren you know full well who's the husband in this relationship." He smirked.

"We aren't even going to get married anytime soon!" Eren insisted, blushing at the prospect.

"Yeah I know, but I'm just saying, I'm the one carrying this boat." He calmly said, raising both of his hands casually.

"What do you mean!" Eren exclaimed.

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