Body Double

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The group entered the city quietly. Arriving much faster than originally anticipated. The city was still preparing for something. A sense of dread hung heavy over the silent city.

The scouts have a lot of time to prepare. It is decided that, they would have Ymir, historia and Eren on a wagon, heading out of Trost into a nearby forest with Mikasa acting as their guard, she would also be acting as his body double.

Meanwhile, he would be surveying and escorting nearby with the other group. Levi felt that he alone was already more important than the other three, so he would stick with their group just in case something goes wrong with the others, he was also a capable fighter either way.

This is all while the other scouts travel by foot and leave fake trails so that the military police will be tricked into searching Trost.

"Don't walk in a cluster. We'll stand out. All of you, just walk normally." Levi ordered.

Their group consists of Armin with a wig, acting as Historia. Jean with a wig, acting as Eren. Gunthur with makeup and a wig, acting as Ymir. It's funny to see a veteran scout especially one as stoic as him be forced to dress up as a woman. It's a wonder how much makeup can do though, by the end of their preparation the man nearly looked like Ymir.

Aside from them there is also him, Levi, Sasha and Connie.

"Why is the royal families flags everywhere?" Connie questioned. To be honest he didn't know either.

"Today must be the anniversary of the king's coronation. Once a year, they hand out a lot of rations." Sasha explained, what? He hasn't heard of this before!

"Wha? I haven't heard of that before." He quizzed curiously.

-"we'll begin handing out rations!" A Military police shouted from the nearby stands.

"King Fritz has heard of Trost Distrcit's hardships, and will donate the royal family's reserves! There's enough for everyone. Line up orderly!" The man shouted into the crowd.

He would personally congratulate the king if he could. This is great propaganda for the time, buying your citizen's trust with food. He can already hear it working, in the crowd there are mixes of thank goodness, and long live king fritz.

"What a king. He sure is generous." Sasha said, falling for the trick as well.

"When there's a will, there's a way. People are weak, especially when baited with food." Levi answered.

While wandering through the streets he sensed something was off and immediately dodged into the stall.

"Behind us! Watch out!" Levi warned a second later.

He barely dodged out of the way as a cart wheeled by, grabbing Jean, Armin and Gunthur acting as the body doubles of their targets. He rolled on the floor a few more times into a tight alley. His scratches quickly healing away.

"Shit! They kn-" He didn't get to finish as someone gagged him from behind and stabbed him with something, he would assume it was a drug. The needle being painfully jabbed into his neck.

Quickly nulling his senses he kicked back into his kidnapper, after a bit of distance was made he turned around and fired his hook into the kidnapper's shoulders. Looking back he saw a man in his 30s, reeling back in pain, he was about to give a round house kick when he felt another needle jab his spine.

The shock vibrated through his body as he felt dazed and confused, his vision blurred as the drug began working it's effects on him. He didn't falter though and continued fighting.

The sensation began shifting though. A sudden burst of arousal began to spread through his body. Causing him to flinch and lose his momentum. 

Then he noticed a few more of them surrounding him. He fired his hook into a nearby building hoping to escape. However before he could set off he was tackled by a bigger man. Before he could escape the grasp the burly criminal stabbed two more needles into his neck.

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