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(This is a short one)

"Eren..." He whispered softly, stroking the poor boy's dark locks. 

Sobs and whimpers filled the dark room. The candles having never been lit in the first place. 

"Let it all out." He instructed, staring blankly at the ceiling. His shirt a crumpled mess. His partner crying into the fabric, fists clutching at it. Tears slowly soaking down to his skin. 

He hadn't seen Eren like this ever since Hannes died...It must be really bad for him. 

"W-why must it end like that?" The titan stuttered, choking with every word. "Why?"

"Because we live in a cruel world Eren. Doesn't it seem like our fate is sealed." He spoke up absentmindedly.

"It hurts...I-I don't want to die. I don't want..." Eren muttered, holding him even tighter.

"Then you don't have to." He replied firmly. 

With those words Eren stopped his crying, looking up at him with a confused expression. His misted emerald eyes locking with his stable pools of black. Drawing all of his strength he gave the firmest smile he could. "If you can't do it. Then let's not." He repeated, voice as firm as he could muster.

"That won't do either, Marley would come after us. Everyone would die." Eren's voice came into focus, the boy leaving his chest, wiping his own tears away before laying on his back. "I want to do it. I will go through with the rumbling."

"No you don't." He stated without hesitation, cupping the boy's chin and forcing him to face him. "You won't be able to finish it. I'm not going to let you go for any half assed options this time."

"What do you mean by that?" The boy completely turned on his side. Staring him down with a glare of determination, yet a weak one. Where he saw through his weakness entirely. 

"You know me better than to try and trick me honey. I know you would let them kill you. That's because you can't handle the guilt of killing the entire world." He said truthfully, his boyfriend averting his gaze. "Don't worry, it doesn't mean you're weak. You know, Floch is right to a certain degree. I'm the least human out of all of us, so I'm ready for it, but you aren't."

"Then what other options do we even have? I want to protect you, i want to protect them!" Eren lashed out. His emotional turmoil starting to boil over.

"We'll find another way." He answered systematically which angered his partner.

The attack titan in his rage rolled on top of him, pinning him down under him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A DIFFRENT WAY! WHAT DIFFRENT WAY!" The boy's eyes were wide, crazed, with tears falling once again. 

"Calm do-" He warned with a surprised gasp, realizing shit is about to get wild. 

"I'VE TRIED! HUNDREDS OF TIME! IT'S ALL PREDERTIMED ALREADY! YOU SAW IT TOO!" Eren shouted angrily, squeezing his eyes shut. Hands snaking around his neck.

"Eren..." He gasped, realizing the boy was choking him.

"It's always the same...Nothing ever changes! The future and the pass." Eren sobbed, opening his eyes. Flinching as he realized what he did to him.

"Shit! I"m sorry I...damn it! I always hurt everyone!" Eren cried, expecting him to be angry.

Instead, he just mustered up the most warm smile he could. Despite everything, he just smiled.

And that seem to freeze Eren once again. 

"If you really want to go through with the rumbling, I won't mind. I just don't want you to get hurt. Later, if you can show me your conviction, I'll help you." He said calmly, voice somewhat hoarse from being strangled.

The boy continued to cry while he slowly settled him in bed next to him again. Giving him a gentle kiss. "And you're forgetting that things do change. How could you not realize you big idiot. I'm here."

The attack titan's eyes widened in realization. "The fact that I'm here already throws off the cycle, it seems you didn't process everything yet. You love me, and i love you. That's already a massive shift in the world order. We can change it this time." He explained softly, hugging the titan shifter tightly. 

"So don't worry. This time you have a choice..."

The Sea titan (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now