Chapter four

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Masky pov
Without thinking I chased that thing inside the woods leaving Brain behind because the thing was pissing me off which was a dumbass move on my part.

Seeing that I can't hit the damn thing as I mindlessly ran deeper to the wood ran pass bush that decided to make my way back to the cabin to get Brain so we can get the heck out of this damn forest.

I knew this was a bad idea even with the rumor of monster sighting but Brain convinced me that it could be a good hiding place. As I kicked a rock out of frustration seeing that rumor was true and not some kind of hoax but that when I heard something snap.

A chill ran down my spine as I felt like something was watching me. Pulling out a swip blade from my jacket getting ready to defend myself but something pulled me upside down.

I began swinging the knife and started freaking out seeing a monster right in front of me. I couldn't help myself as I began to go into a full panic mood and scream to the top of my lungs seeing that thing was coming closer.

My head suddenly was attacked by the sound of static. I felt like my head was splitting into two and tried to block out by pressing my hands on my ear but it was utterly pointless.

'Shit, I don't want to die' is what went through my mind as I slowly lost consciousness.

Hoodie pov
I ran after that idiot into the forest and brought a shotgun but I was freaking out as my mind was racing.

'What the heck was that thing? Was it real but Tim saw it too.' I ran past through the trees clutching the shotgun tightly in my hands as they were shaking uncontrollably.

My head started hearing these static sounds and then I heard Tim screaming in pain. I started looking for Tim but froze when that thing slowly appeared out of nowhere and made its way slowly toward me.

I turned around but my body slowly got covered in black mist and tried my best to run away. But the thing raised its arm which made the black mist  rapidly cover me whole, holding me in place. I began to scream out of fear as I tried to escape but it was pointless.

Luna pov
I captured Hoodie and teleported us to where Slender was. He held Masky upside down who was out cold.

Then I noticed that Slender looked all clean and polished as he stood tall with his hand behind his back looking so frightening as Hoodie was shaking in fear but to me I was trying hard not burst into laughing.

' Slender, why are you all dressed up? It can't be that you want to make a "good" impression -" but I stopped speaking when Slender whacked me in the head with his black tectiles as I held my head in pain.

I was so focused on the pain that my power weakened and allowed Hoodie to break free as he sprinted away then stopped pointing the shotgun in a threatening manner.

'Drop him, Let go of Tim you faceless freak or I'll shoot' is what Hoodie with lots of rage and muderss intention as he pointed the gun at Slender.

Slender didn't move as Maskey slowly woke up maybe because of Hoodie yelling but I have to admit it was kind of interesting to hear him speak. There was a moment when I thought that he was mute.

'Luna leave this to me and don't interfere ' is what Slender said in stren voice which I teleported in a tree to watch as Hoodie who was shaking badly and then pulled the trigger.

Slender teleports right behide Hoodie and uses his black tectiles to wrap around his torso and yank the shotgun out of his hands. Then use his black tectiles to  bend the gun point to be useless, toss it away.

Due to all the noise Masky regained consciousness and began struggling to break free as he started to insult, while Hoodie tried to break free from Slender hold. I could see a tick mark on Slender's head as his patience was running out and I started to feel bad for them for they're going to face Slender wrath.

'SILENCE MORTAL ' is what Slender said angrily as he tried to compose himself as he straightened his tie.

Slenderman pov
' Mortal you have two opinions, submit to me and become my proxies or die a painful death' is what is said in their mind.

When I saw them  shake in fear as they struggled to break free. I was enjoying seeing them struggle and had the urge to rip them to pieces but stopped myself. I needed them as my personal killing machine.

The one with the yellow hoodie, I believe his name was Brain, was calming down Tim as he was trying to punch me but was unsuccessful as he was nowhere close to touching me.

' Uh ... Sir, will you spare us if we submit to you' is what Brain said in a respectful tone but the obvious fear in his voice and shock like a leaf which pleased me but the other one remained  rebellious.

I squeezed that disrepute brat as he screamed in pain then there was a loud snapping sound most likely his bones and then started yelling ' I'll do it, I'll do it' in a rough voice, but he refused to show any weakness despite being in great pain.

As much as I wanted to continue these I needed to end these and get back to the mansion before the twins.

I tangele them with my black teclies covering the body and pierce into their body and then they let out blood curdling screams and let go of them as their body falls onto the ground.

' Luna I leave the rest to you and make sure they don't run away by any means necessary. I'm heading back to the mansion while I'm gone to explain to them what it means to be my proxies and retrieve their stuff then head to the mansion before your sibling. It will save me the hussle.' It was what I said in a normal voice with a hint of dread.

I was not looking forward to the forthcoming Summer and that cocky bastard.

'Sure thing Slender but just in case my sister goes crazy their paralysis talisman in my room takes a couple and hides them in your pocket' but was spoken in A cheerful tone. As she jumped down the tree and revealed her physical form and walked up to the boys checking their injuries and then gave the thumbs up.

I nodded my head and teleported back to my office and met Skyler who was reading a book with a blank expression but closed the book seeing me.

' Don't worry my sister isn't here, I sent her on a bit of a goose chase. So it should give us a couple of hours. Where is Luna, today is her day off?' Is what Skyler said in a cold voice as I made my way to my chair and sat right in front of him as he watched with a bit of dislike.

' Luna is with my proxies so no need to worry about her but let's get down to business' is what I said while Skyler took a big breath with a conflicted face and in a dark emotionless voice.

'Slender he back, Zalgo is in the human realm.' is what he said in a deadpan tone but I see that he was serious.

I sat down and let out an exhausted sigh and the both of us remained silent as I processed this news

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