Chapter nineteen

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Luna pov
I knew for a fact Skyler was lying to me and did something to scare Toby but didn't get a chance for Slenderman to appear before us.

'Well it's good to see you, Slendy , but I'm not here for you. I need to speak to my baby sister for a favor and then be on my merry way.' Is what he said in a mocking way, he always has to piss off Slender but as he tried to lead me away I didn't move and refused to move.

'Why are you here brother? It's not like you to ask me a favor and you didn't apologize to Toby.' Is what I said with a stern voice as I cross my arm staring him down showing him I mean business.

At first Skyler looked shocked but with a sudden attitude. Then looked at me with a frown face which quickly turned to a sly smile as sat back down looking at me while ignoring everyone around.

'Well I prefer to do this privately but I'm short on time so here goes. Summer was still mad last night since she was still mad about proxies, so I decided to drink our problems away and well we got carried away. I passed out and I couldn't find Summer anywhere. She left a note saying saw some white man with a red smile that she was going to hunt and then add him to her collection.

Normally I would be fine with these but she also took a pair of favorite twin blades. Summer never was the type of person to take good care of other belongings so I need to find her and bring back my blades.'  This is what my brother said with a serious tone as he stared directly at me and I shook my head obediently. 

He patted my head and handed me a folder label "Jeff the killer" written in bold with red ink then teleporting away.

I took in a deep breath and then felt someone touching my shoulder and turned around slowly seeing Hoodie.

'I'm ok you don't need to worry and besides I get favor from my brother so it's all good there no need to worry about me.' Is what I said calmly as I gave a smile but deep down I was kind of scared because this may prove to be troublesome.

There may be a high chance that I need to fight her, which I'm not looking forward to.

Slenderman pov

I too was interested in this "Jeff the killer". This person has been causing a ruckus for three months straight. The police still haven't been able to capture him, which impresses me since he is just a human.

Even getting Summer's attention which is quite surprising since she prefers hunting stray demons and not humans for they're too "easy" or "predictable" in her words.

' Luna, take the proxies with you and do what you wish with them but if you run into Jeff, bring him to me. I think that I could make good use out of him but bring him alive.' Is what I said in a stoic voice and told the same to the proxies the same thing which got them all confused.

It seems that they need to teach basic manners when they return as teleported away seeing there was nothing else to discuss.

Luna pov

I was baffled and so were the boys but I was weirdly thankful for Slender. Then I turned around facing the boys who were in a bit of shock but the Hoodie then pointed at the folder which I opened and there were three pieces  of paper.

One was basic information about Jeff, the other was a map of local sightings and the last one was a picture of the guy.

He was wearing a white hoodie and black skinny pants. His clothes were covered in dried blood but what caught my attention was his bleach skin. It's as white as snow and there was a red cut smile.

He was tall and slender with overgrown pitch black hair that sort of covered his eyes but if you looked closely you can see clear blue eyes.

I showed them the boys the picture and the other paper and then both were shocked when they saw this person's appearance.

'Well these shouldn't be so hard finding this guy' is what Masky said in mockly as holding the picture with one hand while showing it to Hoodie who was looking at the map.

'Le-t  me  s-ee,  le-t  me  s-ee' is what Toby said cheerfully while leaning on Masky which causes them to fall over and then Masky smacks Toby hard across the back of the head.

Which was the final straw and honestly  pissed me off. Masky has been acting such a jerk to Toby since day one. But before I could go tell Masky off Hoodie spoke.

'Luna we have a problem' is what he said as handed me the map and pointed out that there are four known sightings.

Before I could say anything Toby and Masky began to get into another fight. Toby began swinging his axe while Masky dodge and did his best to stab important vitals with a kitchen knife. Hoodie stepped back as I marched at them and used my shadow to retrain them. However instead of Scolding them I decided to punish them.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled as I composed myself.

' Masky this stop right now, I don't know what your deal is that you have the need to pick on Toby but it needs to stop for I'm pairing you two together for this mission. Toby will be in charge and Masky you have to follow Toby or you'll be on cleaning duty for the entire week.

Toby you can't be petty with Masky and have to get along with him.' Is what I said in a stern voice which had two proxy baffles but Masky was the first to snap and voice out his complaint.

'No way I'm not going to spend the day with "Twitch boy", little miss "Shortcake".' Is what he said in a cold voice which had hatred  but I was unfazed as I stared at him with blank expression.

"Well Masky I'm in charge and I say that you two are going to work together and besides we are in a bit of a bind." is what I said a bit annoyed.

Before you said anything, my sister can be like a wild animal and unpredictable so we have no time to argue. But to make this fair if you actually do work together with Toby without any issue  I'll buy you three new guns, how about, Masky.' Is what I said a sly smile face and Masky remains silent and turns his face and mutters "Deal."

'Wha-t  ab-out  me, Lu-na? ' Is what Toby said in a whining voice as he struggled to get out of my shadow. I gently walked over and released him and patted his head with a gentle smile.

'Well If you find this Jeff person first then I treat you at the waffle house that recently opened up down XXXX streat, alright' is what I said in a sweet voice which Toby started bouncing out of control out of pure joy.

I clapped my hand, getting all of their attention on me.

'Well we should start getting ready so get your stuff and meet back here in 15 minutes, oh make sure concealed your weapon it's still daytime and be cautious of your surroundings. Masky make sure you have those protection talismans on you at all times and stick together. Toby, I'll give you an SOS talisman for emergencies and all you have to do is rip it four times alright, ok.' Is what I said before teleported back to my room to pack some necessities.

As I released them and then teleported to my room, I packed my own stuff and left the boys to do their own thing.

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