Chapter ten

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Luna pov
I sat down in front of his desk and he appeared in front of me and handed me a brown folder with a circle and a X through it.

Inside the folder were a paper of the location of the house and a picture of a boy.

The boy had light brown eyes and  messy brown hair went in every which way, and his pale skin like he hasn't seen daylight in years.

The thing that caught my eye was that a part of cheek on his left side was partly gone which showed a bit of the inside of his mouth. The wound looked fresh, meaning that it wasn't long.

His name was Tobias Erin Rogers and current age is 18 years old.

Both of his parents are alive but his older sister passed away in a car accident about 3 months ago.

There is also a list for a couple mental illnesses like C.I.P.A causing one to be numb to pain and Schizophrenia (mild illusion) and Tourette syndrome (speak disorder) also P.T.S.D after the death of his sister.

I glance back up at Slenderman and raise my eyebrow wondering why he gave this folder.

' Luna I want you to watch him for a while and see if he is proxy material. The reason why is that he still clings to humanity. He is very close to snapping so I want you to watch from the sideline and be there when it happens. But in the meantime I want you to watch over him for 3 months and I don't care what kind of method you use. Just make sure not to blow your cover.' Is what Slender said in a business-like voice as sat down on his chair and pulled out another folder for the proxies.

I got up and teleported to the living room, seeing Hoodie and Masky cleaning up with their bare hands.

Masky was complaining out loud while Hoodie was lifting a busted TV but looked ready to throw at Masky.

I use my magic to clean everything and get rid of broken furniture, then make my way to the proxies as they turn their head to face me.

Hoodie looked happy and Masky just crossed his arm out of frustration as I  got closer to them. I clammy held out the unopened folder in front of them with an uninterested expression.

' This from Slenderman, he said this is your first mission and inside the folder is information on your target and other things. I won't be able to help you. I'm off on my own mission to recruit someone.' Is what I said with a small smile on my face as I walked off leaving them a bit stunned by my behavior.

Just before they could speak as I placed the stuff from a shopping trip onto the kitchen table then teleported away without saying anything.

Tobias' house was near the woods which was great. For I'll be able to watch him from afar but just in case. I grab my cape out of my shadow and put it on with the hood up covering half of my face only leaving my bottom face to be visible. Then I teleport on top of the tree to get a better view but far enough that no one can see me. The house was a two story and plain light blue house with black titles. It was a nice house from the outside but I sensed a negative aura surrounding the whole place.

I peered through one for a light window and was able to see him pacing in his room talking to himself like some kind of mad man. He had his arms covering his head as he paced around his room having arguments with himself. I watched in silence for 15 minutes until a loud knocking which made him stop and shiver in fear while staring at the door. He started to bite his hand and noticed his eyes were puffy. He must have been crying for a while which made me believe that this person was weak. I frown thinking that this is going to be a waste of my time but I continue to observe him as he goes to his bed curled into a ball.

*Two weeks later*

I sat on the same tree branch watching Coby or was it  Tony.... Being frustrated, I scratch my chin and decide to call him Toby. I keep forgetting his name but then again I am always bad at remembering people's names. As I watch Toby from afar with a bored expression.

Not much happens as Toby hardly leaves his room and comes out to go to his daily therapy session with his mother. They normally go two times a week but lately he has been going four times.  It doesn't seem to help him seeing that he still has a couple break down and  cry for about an hour or have panic attacks. Then there is no good father who barges in his room and hits him when drunk and Toby does nothing.

I kind of feel bad for him because this guy has no one to be with him or give any emotional support. He reminds of the lifeless doll seeing him just lay around his room which makes me confused why Slender wants him to be his one his proxy.

From what I understand his mother seems to be the breadwinner and the sad excuse is that his father spends all day drinking. His normal schedule consists of being on his phone or sleeping for long hours or curled up into a ball on his bed crying.

Then there were times when he would have a conversation with himself which ended with him shouting for the voices to go away. Then get beaten up by his father when run out of beer or is intoxicated to vent his frustration. His mother would come into his room to give him food and try to comfort him but someday not because she was hardly home due to work. Then the whole cycle repeats all over again.

It was kind of sad and I think that I felt a bit of pity for the poor guy. I also now understand what Slender meant by his going to "snap" and bet his father will be the first one he kills. It's just a matter of time but for now he is a human boy who is in great pain with no one by his side.

But it's been two weeks and I'm already bored watching the same thing as biting my lip out of frustration. I stare at Toby who watches some cat videos and then I get a bright idea since Slender says I use any method as long as I don't get caught. I came up with a great idea to have some fun and watch over Toby without raising suspicion. I'll be killing two birds with one stone I thought to myself

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