Chapter seventeen

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Luna pov
Hoodie held my hand and took me to the kitchen where I stood there in silence for a bit but I was first to speak.

'Hoodie I don't like seeing Toby sad, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't know how to comfort him but I know that he likes eating waffles. It makes him happy so I was wondering if you could teach me how to cook them.' Is what I said in a somewhat desperate voice as hold his hand tightly but not that hurt him.

I stood looking at him hoping to hear his answer but he gave a simple nob which made me very happy. Hoodie then guided me how to cook waffles which was kind of easy but I did make a bit of a mess but I'll use magic to clean it up. It was a lot of fun cooking that I kind of got carried away and made too much but it seemed that Hoodie was also having fun as he decorated a stack of waffles with fruit.

He had a soft smile but I sensed someone near us so glanced over and saw Toby standing with mouth slightly open with some grool in the corner in his mouth as he stared at stacks of waffles that were right in front of him.

I then grabbed the stack of chocolate chip waffles and made my way to Toby. I took a deep breath before speaking.

'Toby I'm not very good at expressing myself and don't very understand many things about human culture but you're sad so I made you waffle to cheer you up.' That's what I said in a clear voice as l gently handed him the plate of waffles.

Toby stared at the waffle and then at me with a blank expression which he slowly broke down as he grabbed the plate of waffles and set them aside. I was going to say something when Toby suddenly tackled me into a big hug as Hoodie awkwardly stood there watching.

I then used my shadow and brought him closer into one big hug. We stayed like that for a couple minutes because Toby broke down crying while me and Hoodie console him to the best of our ability.

When Toby was done crying Hoodie patted his back and I gave him one more big hug as we all grabbed a plate stack of waffles and sat down eating. All the tension was gone and was replaced with a joyful one as we just ate very good waffles and honestly had a good time.

Then Masky showed up and I dragged him to join us. He made some side comment but in the end complained about my waffle which made me very happy. However I couldn't help but get the feeling that Toby didn't like Maksy.

He kept glaring and making fun of Masky which was alright for using that he just teasing me. While Masky was just being sartsct and made fun of the way Toby spoke which made me a bit mad.

I scolded Masky a bit which made him apolize at first he didn't but Hoodie backed me up and in the end he did. However it did make things a bit awkward but Toby just ignored Masky and Hoodie stuck close to Masky to keep an eye on him.

I tried lighting up the mood which was much of a problem for Toby and I began speaking about our favoite anime. Well more about the anime that I know because Toby slowly wnet to our own little world.

Masky pov

I know that I in the wrong but that little ***** was glaring at me this entire time and just got this feeling he was going to be a pain in the ass. Spealize seeing how close he was to Luna which made me feel annoyed.

This wasn't like me but I try to not botter me so much however if it's too hard to ignore. I wanted Luna to pay attention to me and only me. I want her to smile around me and not that little ******.

Is what I thought as the time passed I remained silent wanting Luna to get mad at me. I watch as Luna and Hoodie work together and garther the dirty plates to the kitchen. Leaving me with the little ****** and the brat was grinding in my direction.

He was mocking me this ***** I was having fun at my expense. Oh how I had the urge to kill these mother***** and rip out his thorat. Just because that "Monster" made him a proxy must have given him a big ego.

I could feel losing control but I heard Luna's voice calling out to me and I turned toward that direction.

However I was shocked to see her infront of me and not only that she looked worried and asked if i was alright. Even though her tone sounded monotone I saw that she worried about me which made my heart skip a beat.

Then I felt thes odd feeling and couldn't think straight as I got up from my seat. I almost trip but walk past her with my hand on my mask. I felt hot and there was a fluttering sensation in my stomach as I gave some bullshit reason.

As I run upstaries and hurrily into my room and lock it from the inside. I didn't know why I reacted that way but when I saw Luna's face close my couldn't help but feel weird all over my mind.

I crack my knuckles and then pull out a citagre just wanting to rewind a bit. Not wanting to think about that brat or about Luna.

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