Chapter twenty-one

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Luna pov
'Hoodie you search the bottom floor and I'll check upstairs if you find Jeff don't kill him Slender, want him back alive but if isn't then you're free to kill them. We can't have any witnesses' is what I said softly and he entered the house quietly and I followed after.

'Luna I don't know about these, what if it's your sister.' Is what Hoodie' said but I shocked my head 'No my sister would never come inside a human home. It isn't her style and prefer to wait when all alone or in an isolated place like the forest where she hunts them freely.' Is what I said as a gesture from to start looking while I turned into my shadow form and went upstairs.

I floated upstairs with no problem but was greeted with a gruesome sight of blood splattered everywhere I was unfazed for already seen worse. As I floated to the master bed room for its only one which had the most dried blood.

Just as I got near the room I heard a sudden crash which made me pause and listen. I then heard a small argument but there voices which I found very odd.

' You still want to protect that jerk after he tried to kill you, heh you're probably the crazy one' said a cruel voice.

'He is my little brother. I vow to protect him. Besides, he probably didn't know what he was doing and a lot of things happened.' Said a soft voice which was a completely different voice.

'That is loads of bullshit and you know it, that jerk was out to kill you and the proof is right here, just admit it already he left you to die. If it wasn't for me you'd be six feet down the earth with your parents.  While that jerk is out there killing as we speak so let me be in control.' Said the cruel voice spurt out vemos to the softer voice.

They go back and forth fighting as the voice gets louder and starts to get physical by the sound of the thing breaking. I stood there in front of the door not sure if I should leave because it was pretty obvious this person was not what we were looking for so let them be. But the door suddenly opened at a very bad time.

'What the heck is that?' said the cruel voice as he pulled out a knife from his long trench coat with a light green shirt underneath. He had medium brown hair, light green eyes, I was taken aback seeing his face cover with long scars and stitches reaching across his face to his neck

I let out a long sigh and then used his shadow to bind him which he later caused ruckus like cursing me while I went right to him and to search for another person in the room.

To his credit he was only cursing at me and not crying like most humans would. But due to the ruckus he was making I had to cover his mouth just in case he drew attention. Hoodie came upstairs and pointed at the person but I just shrugged my shoulders and floated throughout the whole room looking for the other person but saw nothing.

I then made my way back and revealed my true form as I slowly made my way to Hoodie side. He was holding a gun up to the guy's face. This person wasn't so happy as he stared at us with hate in his eyes but when saw my human form he made a weird look which sent a chill down my spine.

Hoodie smacked him behind his head with his gun and then stood in front of me blocking the guy's view of me. I was a bit confused but remained silent seeing that Hoodie was taking the lead.

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