Chapter twenty

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Masky pov
10 minutes later
'I can't believe that I have followed that "Twitch boy" but if I do this then get three free guns. It's not a bad deal but damn why him I'll fine if I was with you, Hoodie.' Is what I said to Hoodie as we stood outside with him reading the information about that Jeff guy while I was complaining with a cigarette in my hand since I'm not allowed inside the mansion.

'Masky I don't seem to understand why you have to pick on him. He hasn't done anything to you but your always passive aggression with him. It's like you have a crush on Toby and act like a child when near their crush.' Is what he said a bit joking when he said that last part which caused me to goose dump. That I drop my cigarette on the ground and glare at him.

'It's not like that and you know that.' I then went back inside and got something to drink.

Then I saw Luna looking for something in the kitchen. I watched in silence since it didn't seem like she noticed me and was taken aback seeing her outfit. She wore black high neck tee and brown/white/black plaid skirt  with a pair of long black tight boots. Luna looked very cute but then again she is always cute. I shook my head not wanting to get all smush feeling as I went over to get her attention.

'Masky have you seen Toby's phone? I'm helping him look for it' is what she said with a worried face which made me frown but she couldn't see it because I had my mask on. I hate the fact that she pays more attention to Toby but I remain silent and shake my head not wanting to say something that I'll regret since she could still be pissed at me.

I just shrugged and then left leaving her behind but then I heard stomping from the staries.
'Lun-a  I  foun-d  it' is what Toby said which Luna clapped her hands as they followed me outside.

I really do hate the fact that those two act all friendly together but I keep silent not wanting to do something that I'll regret as Luna teleports me and Toby to some abandoned building. I looked around and saw that it was just us. Then Toby pushed past me heading inside that building but before looking back with a frown as he glared at me with hate in his eye.

'Com-me  on  jer-k  le-ts   ge-t   th-ese   over   w-ith' is what he said with venom in his voice completely different from his cheerful voice. I smirked because it was funny when he never showed this side when he infront of Luna. Toby is such a freakin 'two face but I followed behind not saying anything because I too wanted to get these over and get back Luna's good side.

Hoodie pov

It has been more than two hours since Luna teleported those two to the abandoned building. Which makes me worry for them. I know they hate each other.

Well more like Toby hates Masky for being a jerk to him while Maky is just jealous of him for having a closer relationship with Luna. While he only is able to get on her bad side since he sucks being honest to others.

I could help Masky to get along with Luna and appear less of a jerk but not now. I also have some romantic feelings toward her and I'll use these chances to deepen my relationship with Luna. It's not like they're  going to die, they're immortal so they're fine.

I gently smile as me and Luna sneak into an abandoned apartment building as we search the five story building but when we find nothing. We slowly made our way up to the top where we found his little hideout will be more like a pig pit for nothing but  a pile of trash.

The whole room was covered with beer cans and candy wraps with a pile of instant ramen in the corner of the room which was kind of disgusting. Luna looks around the room looking for clues while I  kneel down finding a pile of old newspapers that were stacked messily.

I went through them seeing what I assumed are his crime scene and got to the bottom with a picture of family of four with the caption saying "Son murder Family middle of the night wareabout still unknown." I assumed and figured that this was about Jeffery and showed Luna who was holding a silver cross in her hand. It must have belonged to Jeffery.

'It seems like this belongs to his older brother,'' she said calmly, pointing to a dark brown boy in the picture wearing the same necklance. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

'Well there is nothing here and it doesn't seem like your sister is here so let's  go to the next location.'  Is what I said plainly as I pulled out the map as she leaned so close to me.

I'm not used to her being this close to me but then she gently grabbed my arm and we both teleported to home which is a two story building covered in police tape from the bottom.

We both went inside the house avoiding the tape and kneeling down to pick the back door lock but I noticed the door was already broken into which raised the same alarm. I got Luna's attention who was acting as look out as she leaned over and frowned as both went inside with our guards up.

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