Chapter eighteen

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(One month later)

Toby pov
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
I slowly reach over and turn off my alarm and force myself out of bed. I did my normal morning routine and got dressed for today with my trusty axes by my side. I then made my way out and headed to the kitchen and bumped onto Hoodie on the way. We gave a short greeting and both walked together to the kitchen.

Hoodie is pretty cool and kind, I see him as an older brother figure and he gives me some good pointers with fighting or being sleathly. He also would patiently listen to me even when I was stuttering and doesn't make fun of me unlike Masky. He is such a big jerk so I stay clear from him or be super annoying.

I have gotten pretty used to my new life as a Slenderman proxy and to be honest I'm pretty happy. It took me a while to get used to the whole killing part other than that life is good.  I also finally have actual friends and also got to live in a mansion which is a plus.

Hoodie went to the table while I headed to the kitchen and saw Luna cooking breakfast. Luna no longer has her cat ears or tail any more which made me sad as it was a little hard to get used to human form for I never interact with girls other than my big sister and mother. But over time I got used to her and it was actually not bad since she taught me new things like being a good killer or her new spells while I taught her about "human culture", more like games and anime which she seems to be very interested in.

She has been interested in baking other food since she made those waffles. Most are simple meals like homemade Mac and cheese or hamburgers. I don't know why but her cooking is just the best that I can't get enough of .

Luna noticed me and gave a big warm smile which made my heart flutter for a bit and said good morning to me and handed me a plate of waffles with some bacon.

I really like Luna. She is so sweet and doesn't treat me like I'm different. She makes me feel welcome. I had a light blush on my face, luckily Luna didn't seem to notice as she went back to cooking while I gathered up the courage to ask her if she would like to go walking in the woods together. I found a nice spot near the lake and thought it looked kind of romantic.

I took a big breath and straightened my back as I got near Luna getting her attention. She looked a bit confused but I started speaking before her.

'L-una was w-ondering —

" Luna, where is my food, my starving?"  a loud boyish voice interrupting me. I knew it was Masky, he for sure did that on purpose as he pushed me to the side making me drop the plate of waffles but luckily Luna used her shadow catching them mid air. She then handed me my plate but all of her attention was on Masky. Luna was beckering while Masky pretended not to listen to her.

While I was being ignored I left the kitchen and headed to the dinner table with Hoodie who was on his phone waiting for Luna to give him his food.

I was so angry and pissed off because Masky always does this type of shit when I'm alone with Luna and then they argue for a bit while I watch from the side.

I began to angeryly cut my waffle and began shoving it into my mouth out of frustration for being unable to ask Luna out. While I was eating I felt someone beside me. I slowly turned my head thinking it was a Hoodie but was an unknown man who had a big grin as held a gun pointing it right to my face.

It scared the shit out of me that I fell out of my seat causing a loud sound while that jerk laughed at me. I felt myself twitching out of control while Hoodie came to my side helping back up.

'Toby are you ok,.... Brother' is what Luna said with a surprise tone in her voice as marches up to us with Masky following behind her. He froze when saw the man and became cautious as he walked toward me and Hoodie who were equally wary of this person. While I was surprised that his jerk was Luna's brother , I remained silent.

'Come on Una I was saying hello I didn't mean to scare the boy I swear.' Is what he said calmly but that smirk on his face said otherwise as he  held out his hands showing that he was harmless but the gun that had earlier in his hand seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Luna stood right in front of her brother with back facing me. That when he  pulls her into a big hug and glares at me over her shoulder as if warning me not to say anything.

I stepped back as I knew that this person was terrible but it's so hard to believe that he was related to Luna. Hoodie stood beside me while those two seemed to be talking about something and then Slenderman appeared behind the two with his hand behind his back.

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