Chapter one

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Slenderman mansion

Luna pov
I was on top of my bed reading a book that I was dying to finish but never will be able to due to my busy schedule. It's been a while since I had any free time to myself for Slender.  Always asking me to make potions or something for him. While my siblings are somewhere for "business".

It's starting to get a little overwhelming with the amount of work that I have no personal time for myself. I'm not like those workaholic twins but then again it's all those pesky human faults that Slender always gives us work to deal with because we are the only ones who blend with humans without any suspicion.

Letting out a big sigh and closing my book, sitting it aside and then teleported to the kitchen to get a glass of water and maybe something sweet.

Even though I don't need to eat human food, it tastes better than rotten flesh. That's why I hide things related to humans from my big sister who hates anything remotely related to humans.

That when I remember that I hide something before I learn that could be my shadow to store.

I kneel down to loosen up a title on the ground and put it aside and reach down my arm to pull out a small tin box and gently open it to reveal a small game box that I stole from some kid. I wonder if it still works?

Not knowing how to turn it on I tried pushing the random buttons hoping to do something but I heard a loud high pitch as well as a static sound in my head.

Then I heard a Slender voice 'Luna, please come to my office. I have something important to discuss.'

I pouted a little and then dumped the game box into my shadow and then teleported in front of his room. But he likes to call it his "office" even though it's his room.

I gave the huge door a small knock and then heard. Slender voice telling me to come inside.

I gently entered and in a cheerful voice ''Hey there Slendy, how can I help you" with a big smile on my face as I made way to the closet chair that was in front of his huge desk.

The desk table was covered with paper and I could see the Slender look burnout.  His tie was loose around his neck and on the ground was a fancy suit  while his white shirt had wrinkles with big spots of blood everywhere.

Judging by the foul smell it must have been a while since Slender did any self care even his unexisting face looked like he had eye bags.

Not wanting to cause any trouble I remained silent and waited patiently watching as he finished writing. Slender set down his pen that he was using and then looked at me while fixing himself to look more presentable than leading back on the chair.

'' Luna, I need to ask you something personal."

I remain silent as Slender continues speaking " With the growth of humans it's becoming more difficult to remain hidden due to their meddling" and apparently a human took a picture of the mansion which got people's attention , causing them to be adventurous to visit the abandoned mansion.

Which is why there is an increase in killing and damage control for us to remain hidden from the public.

But it's come to my attention that it's become too much even if we are supernatural beings we have our limits. So on this day forward I am getting "proxy's" to do the dirty work.'

Is what he said in a normally stoic voice but that must be hard for him to admit that he needs help managing these problems. No words come out of my mouth and stare at him with a small gap in my mouth.

' Slender are you crazy you know how much Summer hates humans even if you turn them into your "proxy" she will kill them as soon as they step foot here in the mansion " is what I scream inside of my head while Slender lends further back in his chair with his hand folded tightly together.

' I already discussed it with Skyler and he agreed with my decision and you don't need to worry about Summer. I found a solution for that' is what Slender said with a hint of pride.

I was taken aback that those two actually agreed on something that made my brain stop working and blankly stare at Slender.

After a while I shook my head to snap myself and then brushed the side of my hair with one hand as I tried my best to compose myself.

' Slender, I don't know about these plans even if they pull them off. They are still human and they are weak creatures so I don't understand how they're going to be useful' is what I said with a small frown on my face.

' I understand your worries but that is why I need you to personally observe as well as judge if they will be useful. In fact, I even have two in mind' is what Slender said in a stoic voice as he reached out his hand toward me.

I was a bit skeptical in the beginning but my curiosity got the best of me so I reached out to him and we teleported somewhere in the forest. It was dark out but I was able to see clearly as me and Slender hid behind a couple of trees and in the distance while the sound of loud crying caught my attention.

That was where I saw a group of three people, one was tied up to the ground all beaten up while two of them were standing wearing weird masks.

One was wearing a white female mask with black lips; he was wearing a yellow tan jacket zip up with a pair of light blue jeans and a pair black mountain boots. He was holding a revolver to the poor guy's head in an intimation manner and pulled the trigger then but nothing happened as he repeated by spinning the barrel.

The other one was wearing a yellow hoodie with the hood up and black pants with a pair of black hiking boots. His face was covered by a ski mask that had a sad face done by red stitches. He was in front of them with a video camera recording the hold things total unfaze as the guy in white mask mentally torture the guy.

The one with the gun would spin the barrel for a while and then point at the guy's head while the man pleaded for the mask man to stop.

But they both  ignored the guy pleading as he pulled the hammer then waited before pulling the trigger. This repeated for a while but it kind of fun has a grin slowly appear on my face.

' Slender, my dearest friend, are these the ones you were talking about earlier because they're very interesting. You wouldn't mind if I  "play" with them just for a little while. I promise to bring them to you when I'm done in one piece.'

Is what I said as in a cheeky tone as my smile grew bigger as the sound of a sudden gun shot was fired.

Then something heavy falls onto the ground as well the smells of fresh blood which is very enticing as I lick my lips. I then felt a Slender cold hand on my shoulder and his stoic voice in my head.

' Alright you can play with them but don't touch them, I don't want you breaking them you and your sibling have no restraint whatsoever.' Is what Slender said in a stern voice as I slowly looked away and avoided looking up as he stared dagger into my skull.

Then teleported away leaving me behind as I then focused on two mask killers getting rid of the body. While I watch every move from a distance completely unaware of my present

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