Chapter sixteen

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Toby pov
I felt myself slowly waking up as someone gently touched my hair just like my mother would do for me but it wasn't my mother's hand it was someone else. I immediately stood up and saw three people. Two of them were those mask killers and the other a girl who looked around my age with cat ears? I pulled out my axe which got the killer  on guard and immediately took out their gun pointing them at me while the girl stood and stared at me.

This girl reminds me of Waffle but that I'm impossible. I began to check her out and saw that she was wearing a black lantern sleeve ruffle hem dress with pair slip-on ballet shoes.

Her hair was pitch black and had golden eyes then saw that she had a white ribbon around her neck just like Waffle. But before I could say anything and monster appeared right behind the trio and took me and the cat girl by wrapping us in its black tectiles.

We then were teleported to some fancy room looking room and started to freak out which resulted in a panic attack as we fell onto the ground. The girl with cat ears rushed to my side and began holding me which I fought back. I didn't want to be touched by this odd girl but her touch felt warm just like Waffle. She then began to purr which helped to calm me down when we finished she gestured for me to sit down.

I was confused and didn't want to go anywhere close to that thing but I also wanted an answer like. Why am I here? Why does this girl remind me so much of Waffle? What is this faceless monster and what does it want for me? Who are those mask killers? But my train of thought was interpreted when I heard a voice in my head. It was different, it was cold and emotionless.

"Tobias Erin Rogers I only ask you once and once, serve me or die a painful death."

Slenderman pov
The boy began to look at Luna as if looking for help, which made me unpleased so I told her to leave and she stared at me with a small frown on face. Then she reluctantly did so by teleporting away leaving only us. Tobias stared at me and was vislabe shaking while I stood straight on my chair giving off a threatening arua. It seems that Luna has grown attached to him so I won't harm him for now as I remain silent as Tobias sat there twitching out of control.

'W-who  are  y-ou' is what Tobias said while strutting out his words which impressed me for I thought he would remain silent or faint out of fear.

'My name is Slenderman and I have a deal for you Tobais. If you pledge your loyalty to me I will grant you power beyond human capabilities, also you'll become immortal and all you have to do is to become my proxy.' Is what I said which seemed to take him by surprise but then he looked down to the ground thinking hard.

After a couple of minutes of silence he raised his head and nodded agreeing to becoming my proxy. I grinned at his cooperation, unlike the other two but I didn't waste any time as I wrapped his hand with my black tentacles and marked him.

When I was done Tobias looked at his now bleeding hand.
' Luna the girl from earlier would treat your wound and if you have any other questions she will answer them.' Is what I said a dismissive tone and teleported him back to the living room.

Toby pov
I came back to the living room and saw that a girl with cat ears came up to me. I was very confused but had my guard up with my hand on one of the axe as we stood there in silence. She stared at me bleeding hand for a while and then gestured to me at the couch which I did. When we sat down I kept my head down as I was too busy processing everything that happened today. There were a lot of mixed feelings that ranged from joy and fear from my so-called life  but then I felt something familiar crawl onto my lap.

'WAFFLE' I yell out loud as I hug my precious friend in my arms.

Hoodie pov
Toby was still hugging Luna tight in his arm and was refusing to let her go, which started to get Masky mad as he began tapping his foot impatiently while Toby seemed to be in own little world. It seems like Luna is also unable to speak when in the form so it's up to me to do the talking.

'' Your name was Toby right' is what I said a bit awkwardly but it seems he wasn't paying attention as he began petting Luna while she was trying to off him but Toby would place her back on his lap. Seeing these was very weird but why did I feel a bit jealous I'm not really into animal so why –

' That's it, I can't take it any more, Luna turns back to a human already, this is getting us nowhere' is what Masky said out loud  in a pissed off tone which caught me and Toby by surprise. Luna uses these as a chance to jump out Toby's lap and turn back into her human form making Toby freak out as he stares at her with wide eyes. He then pointed at her and said.            

  ' W-affle'. Luna then held out her hand touching Toby's face making him silent as she sat right next to him while me and Masky watched in silence wondering what was going to happen.

Some time passes and Luna heals his hand while explaining to Toby everything about her being a cat and about the whole proxy thing. Also some things about his situation. After everything was done he responded a little and asked for time alone. Luna then bit her lip and gestured for us to follow to the kitchen and left Toby to be himself.

I kind of felt bad for him for he looked so young but not really for this is life and life isn't fair to no one. Masky headed upstairs with his arms crossed and I was going to follow seeing that this wasn't my problem but I felt something lightly tug me from the back. I turned around and saw Luna looking up at me with worry and a bit of tears in her eyes. These made me panic for not being used to these types of things like emotion so grab her hand as light as possible and take her to the kitchen.

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