Chapter thirteen

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Toby pov
I took a big breath as I went deeper into the wood but somehow I lost those jerks and Waffles. I tried to be calm and searched and called out Waffles hoping that they'll come back to my side.

I held myself as I started feeling scared. I walked through the dense forest, everything was something we'll see in horror movies.

What's worse there was this feeling of someone watching me but I told myself it's just my mind playing tricks and it's not real as I search deeper into the woods looking for Waffles.

While I was looking for Waffles I tried to calm myself by thinking positive.

That everything will be alright and once I find Waffle I'll get the heck out of this damn forest. It will be just me and Waffle back home.

We'll spend the rest of the day  back in my room just like we normally do. We'll both eat junk food until we crash from all the sugar and lay together on my bed.

But the voices in my head started to act up ' Waffle dies and it's all your fault, it's your fault you killed the one you love just like Lyra, you're just a weakling' the voice repeating that sentence that couldn't take it.

The voices were causing me pain because it's the truth that I began to cry while hitting my head trying to stop that voice.

I didn't stop walking as the voices started getting louder saying that it's my fault but tried to block the voices by screaming from the top of my lungs for Waffle.

But then I hear something which got my attention as I dash toward it hoping that maybe it was those jerks and Waffle was with them.

I ran with full speed as I pushed through the bushes. I didn't care if I ruined my clothes, all I needed was to find Waffle's.

When I pushed past the last bush I regretted it so much as simultaneously I heard a gunshot and then saw one of my bullies fall down the ground bleeding out of there chest as they let out a blood curdling scream.

I slowly looked up and saw two weird looking people who were wearing masks and one of them holding a video camera while the other had a gun pointing right at me.

I stood there frozen, unable to move as I stared into white feminine mask with the gun pointed directly at me.

I started twitching out of control which seemed to get their attention as they looked at one another but I took that as a chance to get the heck out of there.

I ran for my life depending on it but in a way it did as I ran off in a random direction hoping to get far away from those cold blooded killers.

Even if I ran at full speed it was pointless as I glanced back and saw that person in the white mask chasing after me and he was hot on my tail.

Fighting through the tears in my eye, I began running faster and somehow made it out of the forest and near my neighborhood.

I thought twice to run all the way back home and turn back once more and saw that person had stopped. He stood inside the forest in a weird position like he was running but looked frozen, not moving a muscle.

It was a bit baffling at first  but I snapped out of it and went back to running for my life without stopping.

I felt my heart beating like crazy and out of breath as if I was slowly dying as I made it back home and sadly I could hear my father from the outside yelling at the TV.

Can today get any worse? I ran into my school bulles then lost Waffle and ran into a pair of killers in the woods as I silently made my way back to my room.

I lay on my bed covering my face with my pillow because I was upset that I didn't find Waffle's but instead killers in the forest.

I began to have a mini panic attack just  thinking about them looking for me or the fact I'm going to find me also my mom I could care less about my father.

He deserves to die for all the crap he put us through.

'Kill him Kill him Kill him, he deserves to die why wait you're going to die anytime soon why wait and kill the bastard. He deserves to die by our hand. Why wait, we have no one left, Lyra gone, Waffle gone and mom probably going to die. It's just a matter of time and all your fault so might as well kill when you have the chance before those killers find us and kill everyone. Hehehehehe do it do it do it KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL THAT BASTARD!' The voice got louder and louder in my head as if they were screaming into my head telling me to kill that bastard.

I began to bang my head on my bed and hold my pillow in my arms pretending that it was Waffle but it was pointless.

I need  Waffles by my side and the cops could protect us from those killers. I needed to call them about killers in the woods. They'll help us and keep me and mom safe from them.

I reached for my phone but I wasn't in my back pocket as I freak out and patted down my whole body looking for my flip phone.

It must have fallen off when I was running for my life. I need to warn mom as I jump out of bed. 

I made my way out but saw that I was a mess so I decided to  change so I wouldn't be mistaken for some deranged person.

I didn't have much time so I placed my hoodie that was gray with a blue hood and brown strip's sleeve over my ripped black turtleneck sweater then a pair of black pants.

Then pull out my mask that resembles a smile to hide the gap in my mouth.

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