Chapter eleven

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[Night time]

Luna pov

It's already night so I waited for everyone to go to sleep and then teleported inside his room which strangely had a sweet smell. It was odd but pay it no mind as I used my shadow to open the window.

I glance at Toby who seems to be having a nightmare and lay paralyzed with sweat coming to his head. I made my way and placed my hand on his forehead and cast a spell to help calm down and then turn myself into a black cat.

'It 's been a long time since I last used this body changing spell' is what I thought to myself as I jumped onto his bed and lay right next to him. Out of nowhere he turned to his side and placed his arm around and pulled me closer as snuggle me. I

let him because I pity the poor guy but next he does that I'm going to bite him as I remain unbothered while slowly falling into deep sleep in his embrace.

Toby pov

I slowly woke up when sunlight was hitting my face but then I noticed a black cat right next to me. I freak out and scoot to the other side to the bed while waking the cat in the process. The black cat stared at me for a second with its yellow eyes and then curled back to sleep on my bed.

It took a small shallow breath and it sometimes purred while turning its body.

I was baffled and so confused then felt a gush of wind which I glanced at the window and saw that it was open meaning it must have come inside  from there. That was odd. I don't remember opening the window last night, I thought to myself .

I turn my attention back on the cat and reach to touch to see if it was actually real and not my mind playing tricks with me. The black cat turned its head and stared at my hand with its guard up as I slowly reached but my hand was shaking. I felt super nervous and began to twitch uncontrollably but then the cat got on all four.

It watched me and made its way to me and then lay on my lap. I felt the cat body heat as it began to purr given off soft virbents. It was like the cat was sort of comforting me which made me cry a bit. This made me start to claim myself down and I began to pat the black cat which caused it purr louder. It felt very nice as my hand touched its soft fur but the moment was ruined when my mother knocked on my door causing the cat to flee and hide under my bed.

I got up and opened the door where mother had a plate of freshly made waffles. Just the smell alone made me grol a bit as I slowly grabbed the plate. I looked up and saw my mother's face. She had a couple of small bruises but they were covered with makeup as she touched my hair, gave a small ruffle and kissed my right cheek.

My cheek turn red and I try my best to thank my mom without strutting, which made her smile.

' I'm off for work please behave and you don't have to worry about your father at a friend's house so you have the whole house to yourself' is what she said in a weak but sweet tone and then left for work.

I felt a sigh of relief as I closed the door knowing that I don't need to worry about the sad excuse of a human being here as I sat on my bed and began to eat my food.

As I was eating the black cat jumped back onto the bed and began sifting my waffle and I tried to wave it away.

"It's  my food not wanting to share" is what I said to the little black cat. But in the end I gave the cat a piece and it took a nibble of it and then started munching it down like crazy. This made me laugh. It was nice to have company.

I spent the rest of the day playing with the cat or laying on the bed playing on my phone with it curls near me. I decided to name the cat Waffle and found a white ribbon and tied it around its neck with a sloppy bow. It's been so long since I laughed out loud and felt actual joy after Lyra's death so I was very happy to have Waffle during these dark times.

I grabbed a Waffle from the ground who was chewing on my father's belt after his last "visit" which made me happy to see it covered with bite/claw marks as I made myself comfortable on bed as the Waffle lay on top of me curled into a small ball.

This was nice as I started to pat Waffle's head which she didn't seem to like. Waffles didn't like being touched and would hit my hand with small paws which was very adorable seeing me getting work up.

I coulcn't help but chuckle as she began both of her paws to attack my hand yet she didn't use her claws which was a bit odd

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