Chapter twelve

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Luna pov

It's been about 2 months since I became a cat and started living with Toby. I'm currently with Toby's and laying on his lap while he is currently having a session with his therapist. It's kind of boring so I took a nap as they talked. It's become Toby's habit to hold me to help him with his anxiety or when he is having his breakdown. I don't really mind Toby holding me for I am taking a likey to him. 

His father doesn't know about me while his mother was supportive and helped Toby sneak me out of the house without him knowing. I normally would hide but there have been times where I really wanted to kill his father out of anger whenever he would beat up Toby or his mother when on his drunken fits.

I began to nibble on Toby's finger and lick his blood to feed myself. I need some food not normal human food. It is kind of pointless for don't actually gain any nutrients. The only things that satisfy my hunger are flesh or the blood of humans that can fill my stomach. I need to find a way to sneak out without Toby knowing it is going to be hard since he began to be very clingy to me.

I have tried teleporting but Toby will go full on panic mode and I seems that can't turn into my human form. I need to be very cautious and specialize with his mom because they are good people which is why I don't want secret exposure.

There is also another problem and that is me being cat form. It has already been a while. I fear that I might have abnormal side effects. Just thinking about it made sutter at the thought as I tried not to think about it. Then went back to thinking of how to leave Toby without him noticing.

While  taking sips of Toby blood for a while but it's still not enough to satisfy my hunger. I feel like slowly losing control of my own body and I fear that I might go on a killing spree to satisfy my hunger.

So the first chance I get I'm running off then coming back before Toby notices that I'm gone. I just hope that Toby doesn't notice me because I don't know how much longer I can last in my state.

An hour has passed and Toby's session was over as he held me close to his chest as we went to the front desk. Toby searches for his mother in the waiting room but strangely she wasn't there which was weird and then one the front desk worker came to Toby and handed him a written note. Toby stuttered a thank you and walked away to the far corner and read the note which I  glanced at the paper. It seemed that there was a problem at work and she had to go help and ask Toby to walk home by himself.

This really wouldn't be a problem and the house was about 15 min away but I'm worried because this is the first time Toby is walking in public by himself. He has a mask covering half of his face to avoid unwanted attention. Toby crumbled the piece of paper in his hand and started to shake a bit so I touched his face which got his attention and he squeezed me a bit and then walked out of the building while holding me very tightly.

At first he walked super slow and looked down on the ground not daring to look up and was twitching so much that I was worried that he would break his neck. I tried purring and had him focus on me which helped ease him as he began to walk normally with a couple twitches here and there but other than that he was doing ok.

But sadly good things didn't last long as a group of five boys came our way, one of them took a glance at Toby and paused to get a better look at him. Then had a sly smile as the boy hitted the guy on his left and pointed in our direction and yelled in a noxious tone getting everyone's attention.

"Well, Well look who we have here, it's our old friend Ticci-Toby '' and slowly circled around us. These bastards started to gang up on Toby surrounding him. I hissed at the jerk which got his attention and then started to laugh out of nowhere.  He didn't hesitate as grabbed me out of Toby's arms which caused him to spring into action. But two of the jerk buddies grabbed him, held him back and then started to mock him while the leader held me close to his face.

Then he pulled out a switchblade out his pocket as he brought the knife close to me while Toby was trying hard to break free with tears running down his face with no luck as the jerk buddies held him back.  Then started beating him up but instead of just taking it like he'll normally do. He actually tried fighting back and I could smell hints of bloodlust, a sign that he was close to snapping . But Toby was outnumbered as they held him as they took turns punching him.

I was pissed so without any hesitation I clawed the damn bastard eye causing it to gush out blood and bit his hand which began bleeding. He dropped me as he took a step back then falling backward landing on his butt. Everyone went silent as the guy started to cry out of pain but I used this chance to run away. Two of his bubbies started to chase me while the rest stayed behind trying to calm their friend who was screaming in pain.

As I run off and make my escape into the forest hoping that I can lose Toby and as for two jerks. I can't wait to feast on them is what I said myself as I ran past some bushes which lead into the forest leading boys to their doom.

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